Compute the Cook's distance for each observation from a fitted model object.

# S3 method for splm
cooks.distance(model, ...)

# S3 method for spautor
cooks.distance(model, ...)

# S3 method for spglm
cooks.distance(model, ...)

# S3 method for spgautor
cooks.distance(model, ...)



A fitted model object from splm(), spautor(), spglm(), or spgautor().


Other arguments. Not used (needed for generic consistency).


A vector of Cook's distance values for each observation from the fitted model object.


Cook's distance measures the influence of an observation on a fitted model object. If an observation is influential, its omission from the data noticeably impacts parameter estimates. The larger the Cook's distance, the larger the influence.


spmod <- splm(z ~ water + tarp,
  data = caribou,
  spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = x, ycoord = y
#>           1           2           3           4           5           6 
#> 0.208649163 0.046762066 0.075201299 0.002105977 0.015878743 0.043438339 
#>           7           8           9          10          11          12 
#> 0.009359609 0.013528476 0.064232283 0.026392006 0.002610611 0.005531740 
#>          13          14          15          16          17          18 
#> 0.011537116 0.031581324 0.002108886 0.153705116 0.071730500 0.054523415 
#>          19          20          21          22          23          24 
#> 0.009083242 0.010921707 0.009783614 0.039565388 0.019831572 0.031011542 
#>          25          26          27          28          29          30 
#> 0.028240763 0.005845866 0.053255250 0.002058093 0.003463498 0.007093867