Compute the empirical semivariogram for varying bin sizes and cutoff values.
cloud = FALSE,
robust = FALSE,
bins = 15,
# S3 method for esv
plot(x, ...)
A formula describing the fixed effect structure.
A data frame or sf
object containing the variables in formula
and geographic information.
Name of the variable in data
representing the x-coordinate.
Can be quoted or unquoted. Not required if data
is an sf
Name of the variable in data
representing the y-coordinate.
Can be quoted or unquoted. Not required if data
is an sf
A logical indicating whether the empirical semivariogram should
be summarized by distance class or not. When cloud = FALSE
(the default), pairwise semivariances
are binned and averaged within distance classes. When cloud
all pairwise semivariances and distances are returned (this is known as
the "cloud" semivariogram).
A logical indicating whether the robust semivariogram
(Cressie and Hawkins, 1980) is used. The default is FALSE
The number of equally spaced bins. The default is 15. Ignored if
cloud = TRUE
The maximum distance considered. The default is half the diagonal of the bounding box from the coordinates.
A distance matrix to be used instead of providing coordinate names.
An optional formula specifying the partition factor. If specified, semivariances are only computed for observations sharing the same level of the partition factor.
An object from esv()
Other arguments passed to other methods.
If cloud = FALSE
, a tibble (data.frame) with distance bins
), the average distance (dist
), the average semivariance (gamma
), and the
number of (unique) pairs (np
). If cloud = TRUE
, a tibble
(data.frame) with distance (dist
) and semivariance (gamma
for each unique pair.
The empirical semivariogram is a tool used to visualize and model
spatial dependence by estimating the semivariance of a process at varying distances.
For a constant-mean process, the
semivariance at distance \(h\) is denoted \(\gamma(h)\) and defined as
\(0.5 * Var(z1 - z2)\). Under second-order stationarity,
\(\gamma(h) = Cov(0) - Cov(h)\), where \(Cov(h)\) is the covariance function at distance h
. Typically the residuals from an ordinary
least squares fit defined by formula
are second-order stationary with
mean zero. These residuals are used to compute the empirical semivariogram.
At a distance h
, the empirical semivariance is
\(1/N(h) \sum (r1 - r2)^2\), where \(N(h)\) is the number of (unique)
pairs in the set of observations whose distance separation is h
and r2
are residuals corresponding to observations whose
distance separation is h
. The robust version is described by
Cressie and Hawkins (1980). In spmodel, these distance bins actually
contain observations whose distance separation is h +- c
where c
is a constant determined implicitly by bins
. Typically,
only observations whose distance separation is below some cutoff are used
to compute the empirical semivariogram (this cutoff is determined by cutoff
When using splm()
with estmethod
as "sv-wls"
, the empirical
semivariogram is calculated internally and used to estimate spatial
covariance parameters.
Cressie, N & Hawkins, D.M. 1980. Robust estimation of the variogram. Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, 12, 115-125.
esv(sulfate ~ 1, sulfate)
#> # A tibble: 15 × 4
#> bins dist gamma np
#> * <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 (0,1.5e+05] 103340. 18.0 149
#> 2 (1.5e+05,3.01e+05] 232014. 20.3 456
#> 3 (3.01e+05,4.51e+05] 379255. 27.6 749
#> 4 (4.51e+05,6.02e+05] 529543. 31.7 887
#> 5 (6.02e+05,7.52e+05] 677949. 43.3 918
#> 6 (7.52e+05,9.03e+05] 826917. 41.3 1113
#> 7 (9.03e+05,1.05e+06] 978773. 46.6 1161
#> 8 (1.05e+06,1.2e+06] 1127232. 51.1 1230
#> 9 (1.2e+06,1.35e+06] 1275415. 58.8 1239
#> 10 (1.35e+06,1.5e+06] 1429184. 71.9 1236
#> 11 (1.5e+06,1.65e+06] 1577636. 79.0 1139
#> 12 (1.65e+06,1.81e+06] 1729098. 94.5 1047
#> 13 (1.81e+06,1.96e+06] 1879679. 99.5 934
#> 14 (1.96e+06,2.11e+06] 2029566. 114. 842
#> 15 (2.11e+06,2.26e+06] 2181337. 125. 788
plot(esv(sulfate ~ 1, sulfate))