e-Manifest Billing Service

These services to retrieve e-Manifest user fee billing information.

Bill Service

The service returns bill information either by the combination of the billing account and bill id or by the combination of the billing account and month and the year of the bill.


  • Security Token
  • The following service parameters will be passed as JSON compliant to the JSON schema defined in bill-request.json
    • Billing Account AND Bill ID or
    • Billing Account AND Month/Year

If billId and monthYear is provided the service validates provided billId and returns data based on billId. If billId is not valid the service validates the request by the provided monthYear.


POST /rcrainfo/rest/api/v1/emanifest/manifest/bill HTTP/1.1
Host: rcrainfopreprod.epa.gov
Authorization: Bearer theSecurityTokenObtainedFromTheAuthService
Content-Type: application/json

    "billingAccount": "123456789",
    "billId": "123456789",

Completed Response Example

  1. Supplying both billingAccount and the billId

      "billingAccount": "VATESTTSDF001",
      "billId": "123456789"
  2. Supplying both billingAccount and the monthYear

      "billingAccount": "VATESTTSDF001",
      "monthYear": "01/2021"
  3. If monthYear is provided along with billingAccount and billId, the monthYear argument is ignored.

      "billingAccount": "VATESTTSDF001",
      "billId": "123456789",
      "monthYear": "01/2021"

Response Schema

See bill.json for the response schema.

Sequence of Steps

  1. Security Token Validation.

  2. User Authorization.

  3. The system will process the request

    • 3.1. If Billing account of the facility (EPA Site ID) is not provided the schema validation exception will be returned:
      • Object has missing required properties (["billingAccount"]): null
    • 3.2. If no additional parameters provided (either billId or monthYear) the processing will be stopped and system will generate the following error:
      • E_NoAdditionalParametersProvided: No additional parameters are provided
    • 3.3. If the provided billingAccount (EPA Site ID) is invalid the processing will be stopped and system will generate the following error:
      • E_InvalidBillingAccount: Provided Billing Account has invalid format
    • 3.4. If the provided billingAccount is not registered the processing will be stopped and system will generate the following error:
      • E_NoBillingAccount: Billing account doesn't exist
    • 3.5. If the provided billingAccount is not active the processing will be stopped and system will generate the following error:
      • E_BillingAccountNotActive: Billing Account is not active
    • 3.6. If the User does not have permission to the site with provided billing account the system will stop the processing and generates the following error:
      • E_BillingAccountPermissions: The user does not have Industry Permissions to the site with provided billing account
    • 3.7. If billingAccount was found and the billId is either erroneous or was not provided and the monthYear is either erroneous or was not provided the system will generate JSON containing the following information:
      • billingAccount: provided billing account
      • report: see details in the report table
    • 3.8. If the billStatus is "Active" the processing will be stopped and system will generate the following error:
      • E_BillStatusActive: Bill Status is Active. Cannot be viewed by the industry
  4. The service will generate JSON containing:

    • billingAccount: EPA Site ID

    • billId: unique bill id

    • monthYear: Contains month number and year of the requested bill if provided.

    • report: Contains service report. Following reports are possible:

      • The service returning bill by monthYear. Valid monthYear is provided, bill id is not provided
      • The service returning bill by bill id. Valid bill id is provided, valid monthYear is provided
      • The service returning bill by monthYear. Invalid bill id is provided, valid monthYear is provided
      • The service returning bill by monthYear. provided bill id is not found, valid monthYear is provided
      • The service returning bill by bill id. Valid bill id is provided, invalid monthYear is provided
      • The service returning bill by bill id. Valid bill id is provided, provided monthYear is out of date range
      • billStatus: Following values can be returned: "Active", "Unpaid", "InProgress", "ReadyForPayment", "Paid", "SentToCollections", "Credit", "ZeroBalance"
      • totalAmount: if the billStatus is Credit then a negative value will be returned. If the billStatus is ZeroBalance then 0 value will be returned
      • currentAmount: The amount for manifests invoiced for the current billing period
      • previousAmount: The total for all manifests not paid or sent to collections from billing periods before the current period
      • previousInterestAmount: The total of interest fees occurred on the previous amounts for all manifests not paid or sent to collections from billing periods before the current period
      • previousPenaltyAmount: for invoices that are being sent to collections, the penalty amount for that invoice
      • previousLateFeeAmount: Total of the flat fee, penalty, and interest charges for all manifests and invoices not paid or sent to collections from billing periods before the current period
      • dueDate: The date the invoice is due
      • paidBy: Contains the bill payee user id, for invoices that were marked as paid by the EPA, this element is not returned
      • paymentType: Contains bill status, Following values can be returned: "Credit", "Ach", for invoices that were marked as paid by the EPA, this element is not returned
      • createdDate: The date the first manifest for this invoice was signed and placed on the invoice
      • updatedDate
      • billItems containing the following information:
        • manifestTrackingNumber
        • amount: Amount charged for each manifest
        • submissionType: "FullElectronic", "Hybrid", "DataImage5Copy", "Image"
        • originType: "Web", "Services", "Mail"
        • certifiedDate: Date the manifest was certified and placed on this invoice
        • generatorSiteId: The site ID of the generator on the manifest
      • late fees (when applicable) containing the following information:
        • lateFeeBillId: Bill ID which Late Fee is calculated for
        • interestAmount: the total interest amount for this lateFeeBillId
        • penaltyAmount: the total penalty amount for this lateFeeBillId
        • lateFeeAmount: the total interest, penalty, and flat fee amounts for this lateFeeBillId
        • flatFeeAmount: the total flat fee amount for this lateFeeBillId
        • status: the status of the invoice; please note that invoices sent to collection will be marked as inactive
      • revisions (when applicable) containing the following information:
        • amount: Amount of adjustment on the invoice
        • amountType: Current, LateFee
        • adjustmentType: Increase, Decrease, FullPayment
        • publicComments:
        • createdDate
  5. On success, the system returns JSON generated in section 4

  6. If any system errors were encountered during processing, the system will return:

  • error: containing error code, error message, error id, and

Bill History Service

The service returns billing summary information either by the provided billing account or by the combination of the billing account and date range. Following information will be returned about all bills for the provided billing account:

  • billingAccount: EPA Site ID
  • startMonthYear: Contains month number and year for the date range start, if provided in the request. If only startMonthYear provided the service return bill history from the start until current mm/yyyy. If invalid startMonthYear is provided bill history from inception to the endMonthYear is returned.
  • endMonthYear: Contains month number and year for the date range end. If only endMonthYear provided the service return bill history from inception to the endMonthYear. If invalid endMonthYear is provided bill history from startMonthYear to the current date is returned.
  • billsInfo: contains individual bills for the billing account. For each bill it contains following information
    • billId: unique bill id
    • billStatus: Following values can be returned: Active, Unpaid, InProgress, ReadyForPayment, Paid, SentToCollections, Credit, ZeroBalance. Industry will not see bills where billStatus = Active
    • totalAmount: if the billStatus is Credit then negative value will be returned. If the billStatus is ZeroBalance then 0 value will be returned
    • paidBy: Contains the bill payee user id
    • paymentType: Contains bill status, Following values can be returned: Credit, Ach, OutOfBand
    • dueDate
    • createdDate
    • updatedDate


  • Security Token
  • The following service parameters will be passed as JSON compliant to the JSON schema defined in bill-history-request.json
    • billingAccount: Billing account of the facility (EPA Site ID). Required parameter. If date range parameters are not provided the service return bill history from inception to the current date
    • startMonthYear: Contains month number and year for the date range start. Format 'mm/yyyy'. If only startMonthYear provided the service return bill history from the start until current mm/yyyy. If invalid startMonthYear is provided bill history from inception to the endMonthYear is returned.
    • endMonthYear: Contains month number and year for the date range end. Format 'mm/yyyy'. If only endMonthYear provided the service return bill history from inception to the endMonthYear. If invalid endMonthYear is provided bill history from startMonthYear to the current date is returned.


POST /rcrainfo/rest/api/v1/emanifest/manifest/get-bill-history HTTP/1.1
Host: rcrainfopreprod.epa.gov
Authorization: Bearer theSecurityTokenObtainedFromTheAuthService

    "billingAccount": "VATESTTSDF001",
    "startMonthYear": "01/2021",
    "endMonthYear": "02/2021"

See bill-history.json for the response schema.

Sequence of Steps

  1. Security Token Validation.

  2. User Authorization.

  3. The system will process the request

    • 3.1. If the provided billingAccount is invalid, the processing will be stopped, and the system will generate the following error:
      • E_InvalidBillingAccount: Provided Billing Account has an invalid format
    • 3.2. If the User does not have permission to the site with the provided billing account, the system will stop the processing and generates the following error:
      • E_BillingAccountPermissions: The user does not have Industry Permissions to the site with provided billing account
    • 3.3. If the provided billingAccount is not registered, the processing will be stopped, and the system will generate the following error:
      • E_NoBillingAccount: Billing account doesn't exist
    • 3.4. If the provided billingAccount is not active, the processing will be stopped, and the system will generate the following error:
      • E_BillingAccountNotActive : Billing Account is not active
  4. If the provided Billing Account is valid, the service will generate bill history depending on date range parameters according to the following:

    • 4.1. If date range parameters are not provided or invalid date range parameters are provided, the service generates bill history from inception to the current date. If invalid dates are provided, the service will specify the invalid dates in the generated JSON response as follows:
      • invalid date, returning bill history since inception date (07/2018)
      • invalid date, returning bill history to [current MM/current YYYY]
    • 4.2. If a valid startMonthYear is provided and endMonthYear is not provided or valid startMonthYear provided and endMonthYear is invalid, the service generates bill history from the start until the current mm/yyyy. If an invalid endMonthYear is provided, the service will specify the invalid endMonthYear in the generated JSON response (identical to 4.1)
    • 4.3. If an invalid startMonthYear is provided and valid endMonthYear is provided or startMonthYear is not provided and valid endMonthYear is provided, the service generates bill history from inception to the endMonthYear. If an invalid startMonthYear is provided, the service will specify the invalid startMonthYear in the generated JSON response (identical to 4.1).
  5. The service will generate JSON containing:

    • billingAccount: EPA site ID
    • billId: unique bill id
    • If invalid dates are provided, the service will specify the invalid dates
    • billStatus: Following values can be returned: "Active", "Unpaid", "InProgress", "ReadyForPayment", "Paid", "SentToCollections", "Credit", "ZeroBalance". Industry will not see bills where billStatus = Active
    • totalAmount: if the billStatus is Credit then a negative value will be returned. If the billStatus is ZeroBalance then 0 value will be returned
    • paidBy: Contains the bill payee user id, for invoices that were marked as paid by the EPA, this element is not returned
    • paymentType: Contains bill status, Following values can be returned: "Credit", "Ach", for invoices that were marked as paid by the EPA, this element is not returned.
    • dueDate
    • createdDate: The date the first manifest for this invoice was signed and placed on the invoice
    • updatedDate
  6. On success, the system returns JSON generated in section 4

  7. If any system errors were encountered during processing, the system will return:

    • error: containing error code, error message, error id, and error date

Bill Search Service

The service searches bill information either by the single parameter or by combination of several parameters. The service uses database paging for performance. If any optional parameters are invalid the service returns JSON with warnings. It can be used by OCFO users and Industry users.


  • Security Token

  • The following service parameters will be passed as JSON compliant to the JSON schema defined in bill-search-request.json

  • billingAccount: optional parameter, billing account of the facility (EPA Site ID):

  • billStatus: optional parameter, one of the following values shall be provided:

    • Unpaid
    • InProgress
    • ReadyForPayment
    • Paid
    • SentToCollections
    • Credit
    • ZeroBalance
  • startDate: Required parameter, retrieves bills based on the value of bill.updatedDate.

  • endDate: Required parameter, retrieves bills based on the value of bill.updatedDate.

  • amountChanged: optional parameter, if provided value is true the service will check conditions for retrieving bills where totalAmount has been changed from the original calculated amount at the beginning of the month.

  • pageNumber: optional parameter, the system will return bills for the requested page. If pageNumber is not provided or invalid the system will return bills for the 1st page.


POST /rcrainfo/rest/api/v1/emanifest/manifest/search-bill HTTP/1.1
Host: rcrainfopreprod.epa.gov
Authorization: Bearer theSecurityTokenObtainedFromTheAuthService

    "billingAccount": "VATESTTSDF001",
    "billStatus": "Unpaid",
    "startDate": "2021-10-01T00:00:00.000-0400",
    "endDate": "2021-12-01T00:00:00.000-0400",
    "amountChanged": true,
    "pageNumber": 3

Sequence of Steps

  1. Security Token Validation.

    • If security token is for a state account and the user does not have billing admin permission, the system stops the processing and generates the following error:
        "error": "E_BillingAdminPermissions",
        "message": "The user does not have billing administration permission"
  2. User Authorization.

  3. The System will validate Security Token

    • 3.1. If the Web Security Token is invalid, the system stops the processing and generates the following error:

      - E_SecurityApiTokenInvalid: Invalid Security Token
    • 3.2. If the Web Security Token expired, the system stops the processing and generates the following error:

      - E_SecurityApiTokenExpired: Security Token is Expired
    • 3.3. If Account was Inactivated after the token was issued, the system stops the processing and generates the following error:

      - E_SecurityApiInvalidStatus: This API Id is no longer active
    • 3.4. If security token is for a state account and the user does not have billing admin permission, the system stops the processing and generates the following error:

      - E_BillingAdminPermissions: The user does not have billing administration permission
  4. The system will perform User Authorization.

    • 4.1. If the Industry User does not have industry permissions for any Site, the system will stop the processing and generates the following error:

      - E_IndustryPermissions: The industry user does not have industry permissions for any Site
    • 4.2. The System will check if the Security token is for the Industry account or if the Security token is for a state account with Billing Admin permission (OCFO/Compass).

      • 4.2.1 If the Security token is for a state account with Billing Admin permission (OCFO/Compass) the system will return data for all billingAccounts meeting specified search criteria.

      • 4.2.2 If the Security token is for an industry the system will return data only for billingAccounts that the account has access to and that meet specified search criteria.

  5. The system will process the request

    • 5.1. If provided billingAccount is invalid, not registered, not active, or not found, the service will do the following

      • 5.1.1. The service will return an empty "bills" array.
      • 5.1.2. If the provided billingAccount is invalid, the service will return the following warning:
            "message": "Provided billingAccount is invalid",
            "field": "billingAccount",
            "value": "[value of billingAccount] "
      • 5.1.3. If provided billingAccount is not active, the service will return the following warning:
            "message": "Provided billingAccount is not active ",
            "field": "billingAccount",
            "value": "[value of billingAccount] "
      • 5.1.4. If provided billingAccount is not found, the service will return the following warning:
            "message": "Provided billingAccount is not found ",
            "field": "billingAccount",
            "value": "[value of billingAccount] "
      • 5.1.5. If the service was invoked by the Industry user, the service will list all valid billing accounts. The service will return following warning(s):
            "message": " Valid billing account ",
            "field": "billingAccount",
            "value": "[value of billingAccount] "
    • 5.2. If startDate and endDate are provided, the system will check if startDate and endDate are valid, and will determine the time range for the bills to return.

      • 5.2.1. The startDate is valid if startDate is later than emanifest start date and earlier than Current date and startDate is earlier than endDate.
      • 5.2.2. The startDate is invalid if startDate is later than Current date or startDate is earlier than emanifest start date.
      • 5.2.3. The endDate is valid if endDate is later than emanifest start date and earlier than Current date and endDate later than startDate.
      • 5.2.4. The endDate is invalid if endDate is later than Current date or endDate is earlier than emanifest start date.
      • 5.2.5. If the startDate is valid and endDate is invalid the service will return bills in the time range between startDate and Current date.
      • 5.2.6. If the endDate is valid and startDate is invalid the service will return bills in the time range between emanifest start date and endDate.
      • 5.2.7. If the endDate is invalid and startDate is invalid the service will return bills in the time range between emanifest start date and current Date.
    • 5.3. If startDate is not provided, the system will stop the processing and generates the following error:

      • E_SearchParameterRequiredStartDate: Missing required search parameter startDate
    • 5.4. If endDate is not provided, the system will stop the processing and generates the following error:

      • E_SearchParameterRequiredEndDate: Missing required search parameter endDate
    • 5.5. If startDate and endDate are not provided, the system will stop the processing and generates the following error:

      • E_SearchParameterRequiredStartDateEndDate: Missing required search parameters startDate and endDate
    • 5.6. If provided startDate is later than provided endDate, the system will stop the processing and generates the following error:

      - E_StartDateLaterThanEndDate: Provided StartDate is later than EndDate
    • 5.7. If StartDate is earlier than emanifest start date, the system will return the following warning in the return JSON:

      - E_ StartDateEarlierThanEmanifestStart: Provided StartDate is earlier than emanifest
    • 5.8. If EndDate is earlier than emanifest start date, the system will return the following warning in the return JSON:

      - message "Provided EndDate is earlier than emanifest start date"
      - field: endDate
      - value: [value of endDate]
    • 5.9. If EndDate is later than Current date, the system will return the following warning in the return JSON:

      - message "Provided EndDate is later than Current date"
      - field: endDate
      - value: [value of endDate]
    • 9.10. If StartDate is later than Current date system will return the following warning in the return JSON:

      - message "Provided StartDate later than Current date
      - field: StartDate
      - value: [value of StartDate]
    • 9.11. If the provided pageNumber is larger than totalNumberOfPages or less than one , the system will return the following warning in the return JSON

      - "message": "Provided pageNumber must be equal or greater than one. pagenumber is set to
      - field: pageNumber
      - value: [value of page number]
  6. The service will generate JSON containing one or multiple Bills. If the provided value of amountChanged is true, Bill.totalAmountChanged is true and bill.updatedDate is in the time range specified by startDate and endDate, the service will include the bill in the returned JSON. The response will contain the following information:

    • totalNumberOfBills: Total Number Of Bills for provided search criteria
    • totalNumberOfPages: Total Number Of Pages for provided search criteria
    • currentPageNumber: Current Page Number for provided search criteria
    • searchedParameters: valid parameters used in search
      • field: parameter field name
      • value: parameter value
    • warnings: validation errors for optional parameters
      • message: validation message
      • field: parameter field name
      • value: parameter value

    Each bill will contain the following information:

    • billingAccount: EPA site ID
    • billId: bill id
    • billStatus: Following values can be returned: "Unpaid", "InProgress", "ReadyForPayment", "Paid", "SentToCollections", "Credit", "ZeroBalance"
    • totalAmount: if the billStatus is Credit then a negative value will be returned. If the billStatus is ZeroBalance then 0 value will be returned
    • currentAmount: The amount for manifests invoiced for the current billing period
    • previousAmount: The total for all manifests not paid or sent to collections for billing periods before the current period
    • previousInterestAmount: The total of interest fees occurred on the previous amounts for all manifests not paid or sent to collections for billing periods before the current period
    • previousPenaltyAmount: for invoices that are Unpaid after four months, the penalty amount for that invoice
    • previousLateFeeAmount: Total of the flat fee, penalty, and interest charges for all manifests and invoices not paid from billing periods before the current period
    • dueDate The date the invoice is due
    • paidBy: Contains the bill payee user id, for invoices that were mark as paid by the EPA, this element is not returned
    • paymentType: Contains payment type , Following values can be returned: "Credit", "Ach", for invoices that were mark as paid by the EPA, this element is not returned
    • createdDate: The date the invoice was created
    • totalAmountChanged: Indicates if the totalAmount has been changed from the original calculated amount at the beginning of the month.
    • updatedDate: The date the invoice was last updated
    • lateFees (when applicable) containing the following information:
      • lateFeeBillId: Bill Id which Late Fee is calculated for
      • interestAmount: the total interest amount for this lateFeeBillId
      • penaltyAmount: the total penalty amount for this lateFeeBillId
      • lateFeeAmount: the total interest, penalty, and flat fee amounts for this lateFeeBillId
      • flatFeeAmount: the total flat fee amount for this lateFeeBillId
      • status: the status of the invoice, please note that invoices sent to collection will be marked as inactive
    • revisions: (when applicable) containing the following information:
      • amount: Amount of adjustment on the invoice
      • amountType: "Current", "LateFee"
      • adjustmentType: "Increase", "Decrease", "FullPayment"
      • publicComments:
      • createdDate
    • RecalculationInfo: (when applicable) containing the following information:
      • recalculationReason: "OriginalSiteBill", "NewSiteBill", "SoftDelete"
  7. On success, the system returns JSON generated in section 4

  8. If any system errors were encountered during processing, the system will return:

  • error: containing error code, error message, error id, and error date