Manifests Save Service
The Save Service creates the new Manifest. The service accepts Manifest data in JSON format compliant with manifest JSON schema. The following submission types are supported for this release:
For the FullElectronic
and Hybrid
submission types, the Manifest can be submitted at either Pending
or Scheduled
status. If the manifest was created in Pending
status the transition to Scheduled
status will be done via the
service. The transition to the statuses after Scheduled
for these submission types will be done automatically by
For the DataImage5Copy
and Image
submission types, the Manifest will be assigned the ReadyForSignature
transition to the next status for these submission type will be done automatically by e-Manifest.
Manifests with the Mail
origin type cannot be saved via the Save service.
For the DataImage5Copy
and Image
submission types, the service requires receiving the scanned compressed
attachment (Printed/Paper, Signed, Scanned Manifest form-2050). Manifest attachment shall be passed as a multipart
binary content. (See sample client implementation for details
For the "DataImage5Copy
and "Image
submission types, if the
Manifest contains an attachment, the
following metadata
JSON elements shall be presented in the Manifest JSON:
"printedDocument": {
"name": "user provided document name.pdf",
"size": 23455,
where size
is the number of bytes of the PDF document.
The service will validate the submitted JSON and if:
- No Errors or Warnings were found: Service will save the manifest and return generated Manifest Tracking Number
- Only Warnings were found: Service will save the manifest and return generated Manifest Tracking Number and Warning Report containing all found Warnings
- Error(s) were found: Service won't save the manifest and return Error Report containing all found errors.
- Error(s) and Warnings were found. Service won't save the manifest and return Error and Warning Report containing all found errors and warnings
- manifest JSON schema
- attachment (optional)
- Security Token
POST /rcrainfo/rest/api/v1/emanifest/manifest/save HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer theSecurityTokenObtainedFromTheAuthService
Content-Type: application/json
"manifestTrackingNumber": "123456789ELC",
"discrepancy": false,
"submissionType": "FullElectronic",
"generator": {
"epaSiteId": "VATESTGEN001",
"name": "VA TEST GEN 2021",
"..." : "..."
See manifest JSON schema.
Sequence of Steps
If the User is authenticated and authorized, the system processes the request
The system validates the provided Manifest JSON and Attachment Document according to the rules described in "Manifest entities and fields validation for Save service". If no errors or warnings were generated during the validation process, the service perform the following steps:
- 4.1 Generate a Manifest Tracking Number (MTN) for the provided manifest data
- 4.2 Store the provided manifest information and attachment document (if applicable) in the e- Manifest database
- 4.3 Return the MTN to the requestor
If a warning is generated during the validation process, the service performs the following steps:
- 5.1 Generate an MTN for the provided manifest data
- 5.2 Store the provided manifest information and an attachment document in the e-Manifest database
- 5.3 Return the MTN and Warning(s) report to the requestor
If an error is generated during the validation process, the service performs following steps:
- 6.1 Generate Error Report with all errors found during validation process
- 6.2 Return Error Report to the requestor
If any errors and warnings were generated during validation process, the service performs the following steps:
- Generate an Error/Warning report with all errors and warnings found during validation process
- Return Error/Warning report to the requestor
see the crud-emanifest-return.json