Site Details Service
Returns Site Information by the Site ID. The following site information will be included:
- Site ID
- Mailing Address
- Site Address
- Contact First Name
- Contact Middle Initial
- Contact Last Name
- Contact phone number
- Contact email
- If at least one user at the site can electronically sign a manifest
- Site type: one of the following values will be returned
- If the site is registered for multiple types of activities, see details for the return in the Sequence of Steps section
- Security Token
- Site ID: 12 character string
GET /rcrainfo/rest/api/v1/site-details/VATESTGEN001 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer theSecurityTokenObtainedFromTheAuthService
Where there URL parameter represented by VATESTGEN001
is the Site ID that is being requested.
Completed Response Example
"epaSiteId": "CA99999996",
"name": "Site name",
"mailingAddress": {
"streetNumber": "1234",
"address1": "street name",
"city": "JBER",
"state": {
"code": "CA"
"country": {
"code": "US"
"zip": "99506-3221"
"siteAddress": {
"streetNumber": "1234",
"address1": "street name",
"city": "JBER",
"state": {
"code": "CA"
"country": {
"code": "US"
"zip": "99506-3221"
"contact": {
"firstName": "john",
"middleInitial": "A",
"lastName": "HUGHES",
"phone": {
"number": "907-552-3745"
"email": "JOHN.@MMM.COM"
"canEsign": true,
"siteType": "Tsdf",
"federalGeneratorStatus": "LQG"
Sequence of Steps
The system will process the request
- 3.1. The system will check if Site with provided Site ID is valid and registered in RCRAInfo.
- 3.1.1. If the provided Site ID is invalid, the processing will be stopped, and the system will generate the
following error:
E_InvalidSiteId: Provided Site ID has an invalid format. Site ID shall be compliant with the following format: Two Letter Activity Location Code + Single alphanumeric Character + Up to 9 alphanumeric characters.
- 3.1.2. If the provided Site ID is not registered in RCRAInfo, the processing will be stopped, and the system
will generate the following error:
E_SiteIdNotFound: Site with the provided Site ID is not found.
- 3.1.1. If the provided Site ID is invalid, the processing will be stopped, and the system will generate the
following error:
- 3.1. The system will check if Site with provided Site ID is valid and registered in RCRAInfo.
The System returns the response
- 4.1. If the site was found, the system returns generated JSON containing the following information:
- Site type: "Generator"/"Tsdf"/"Transporter"/"Broker". For cases
where the site is registered for multiple types (e.g., Tsdf and Broker), the following applies:
- If the site is registered as a Broker and as a Generator, then
will be returned. - If the site is registered as a Broker and as a Tsdf, then
will be returned. - If the site is registered as a Broker and as a Transporter, then
will be returned. - If the site is registered as a Generator and as a Tsdf, then
will be returned. - If the site is registered as a Generator and as a Transporter, then
will be returned.
- If the site is registered as a Broker and as a Generator, then
- e-Sign status: If the site has at least one active Certifier user.
- Site information: containing site name, location address, mailing address, contact first name, middle initial, last name, phone number, phone extension, email (see the site schema).
- Site type: "Generator"/"Tsdf"/"Transporter"/"Broker". For cases
where the site is registered for multiple types (e.g., Tsdf and Broker), the following applies:
- 4.2. If any errors were encountered during processing, the system returns JSON containing:
- Error: containing code, message, error ID, and date.
- 4.1. If the site was found, the system returns generated JSON containing the following information: