Site Exists Service

This service checks for the existence of the provided EPA Site ID and, if "result": true, if the site has a registered user in the e-Manifest system. The service returns the provided EPA Site ID and "return": false if the provided EPA Site ID does not have a registered user in the e-Manifest system or provided EPA Site ID is invalid. It is recommended to invoke the service before invoking search manifest services.



GET /rcrainfo/rest/api/v1/site-exists/VATESTGEN001 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer theSecurityTokenObtainedFromTheAuthService

Completed Response Example

  "epaSiteId": "VATESTGEN001",
  "result": true

See site-exists-return.json

Sequence of Steps

  1. Security Token Validation.

  2. User Authorization.

  3. The system will process the request

    • 3.1. If the site with the provided EPA Site ID is registered in the e-Manifest system, the service will generate JSON containing:
      • EPA Site ID
      • Result: true
    • 3.2. If the site with the provided EPA Site ID is not registered in the e-Manifest system or the provided EPA Site ID is invalid, the service will generate JSON containing:
      • EPA Site ID
      • Result: false
    • 3.3. The service returns generated JSON
  4. If authentication, authorization, or system errors were encountered during processing, the system will return:

    • error: containing error code, error message, error id, and error date