Manifest Delete Service

The Delete service allows certain manifests to be removed from the system by Manifest Tracking Number (MTN). Depending on the manifest submission type, the manifest can be deleted in the following statuses:

  • FullElectronic: can be deleted only if in the Pending or Scheduled status
  • Hybrid: can be deleted only if in the Pending or Scheduled status
  • DataImage5Copy: can be deleted only if in the ReadyForSignature or "MtnValidationFailed" status
  • Image: can be deleted only if originType = Web or Service and status is in the ReadyForSignature or MtnValidationFailed status

Service will check if the manifest is locked. The manifest is locked for delete when Manifest is in a queue for signing.



DELETE /rcrainfo/rest/api/v1/emanifest/manifest/delete/123456789ELC HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer theSecurityTokenObtainedFromTheAuthService
Accept: application/json

Sequence of Steps

  1. Security Token Validation.

  2. User Authorization.

  3. The system will check if the provided manifest tracking number is valid and exists in the system.

    3.1 The system will check if the provided MTN is valid and exists in the system. Manifest Tracking Number shall be compliant with following rules:

     - Nine numeric characters + valid three character Manifest Tracking Suffix
     - If the provided Manifest Tracking Number does not have valid format the processing will be stopped and system
       generates the following error:
       - `E_InvalidManifestTrackingNumber: Provided Manifest Tracking Number has invalid format`
     - If the provided Manifest Tracking Number does not have a valid suffix the processing will be stopped and system
       generates the following error:
       - `E_InvalidManifestTrackingNumberSuffix: Provided Manifest Tracking Number has invalid`
     - If the Manifest Tracking Number is not in the system the processing will stop and the system generates the
       following error:
       - `E_ ManifestTrackingNumberNotFound: Provided Manifest Tracking Number was not found`

    3.2 The system will check if the manifest can be deleted.

    • If the manifest submission type is FullElectronic or Hybrid or not selected and manifest status is not Pendingof Scheduled the system will stop the processing and generate the following error:
      • E_IncorrectStatusForDelete: Manifest with submission type of [Full Electronic/Hybrid] can be deleted only in Pending or Scheduled status
    • If Manifest submission type is DataImage5Copy and Manifest status is not ReadyForSignature the system will stop the processing and generates the following error:
      • E_IncorrectStatusForDelete: Manifest with submission type of DataImage5Copy can be deleted only in ReadyForSignature or MtnValidationFailed status
    • If Manifest submission type is "Image" following applies
      • If manifest origin type is "Web or "Service and Manifest status is not "ReadyForSignature the system will stop the processing and generates the following error:
        • E_IncorrectStatusForDelete: Manifest with submission type of Image can be deleted only in ReadyForSignature or MtnValidationFailed status
      • If manifest origin type is "Mail" the system will stop the processing and generates the following error:
        • E_IncorrectOriginForDelete: Manifest with origin type of Mail cannot be deleted
  4. The system will delete the manifest.

  5. On success the system returns JSON containing the following information:

    • Manifest Tracking Number
    • Operation Status: "Deleted
    • Date: Date/Time of the operation
  6. If any system errors were encountered during processing, the system will return:

    • error containing error code, error message, and error id and date