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#'The TADA_ConvertDepthUnits function converts depth units to a consistent unit. Depth values and units are most commonly associated with lake data, and are populated in the ActivityDepthHeightMeasure, ActivityTopDepthHeightMeasure, ActivityBottomDepthHeightMeasure, and ResultDepthHeightMeasure Result Value/Unit columns.


TADA_ConvertDepthUnits(.data, unit = "m", transform = TRUE)



TADA dataframe


Character string input indicating the target depth unit to use for conversions. Allowable values for 'unit' are either "m" (meters), "ft" (feet), or "in" (inches). 'unit' accepts only one allowable value as an input. The default unit = "m".


Boolean argument; The default is transform = TRUE.


When transform = TRUE, the input dataframe is returned with all depth data converted to the target unit in new TADA-specific columns. When transform = FALSE, the input dataframe is returned with additional columns showing how the data would be handled if converted. A user can review the conversion factor information if desired by using this feature. No conversions are made, but new TADA-specific columns are added as copies of original columns, with unit synonyms addressed (e.g. "meters" is converted automatically to "m" for national consistency).


This function first checks the dataframe for depth profile data. Where depth profile columns are populated, the function appends 'Conversion Factor' columns and populates those columns based on the original unit and the target unit, which is defined in the 'unit' argument. A 'Depth Target Unit' column is also appended, indicating the unit all selected depth data is converted to. When transform = FALSE, the output includes all 'Conversion Factor' columns and the 'Depth Target Unit' column. When transform = TRUE, the output includes converted depth data in a column with the same name as the original, plus the prefix "TADA." and a 'Depth Target Unit' column, which acts as a flag indicating which rows have been converted. New TADA versions of all depth columns are always created. Default is transform = TRUE.

The depth profile function can harmonize depth units across all the following fields: "ActivityDepthHeightMeasure", "ActivityTopDepthHeightMeasure", "ActivityBottomDepthHeightMeasure", "ResultDepthHeightMeasure"). It creates new result value/unit columns with the prefix "TADA." to all converted columns. The default is to check all four Depth Height columns.

Allowable values for 'unit' are either 'm' (meter), 'ft' (feet), or 'in' (inch). 'unit' accepts only one allowable value as an input. Default is unit = "m".


# Load example dataset:

# Convert all depth units to meters and review unit harmonization:
# "ActivityDepthHeightMeasure.MeasureUnitCode" and "ActivityDepthHeightMeasure.MeasureValue"
# are harmonized to "TADA.ActivityDepthHeightMeasure.MeasureUnitCode" and "TADA.ActivityDepthHeightMeasure.MeasureValue"
DepthUnitsConverted_m <- TADA_ConvertDepthUnits(Data_Nutrients_UT)

# Convert all depth units to feet:
DepthUnitsConverted_ft <- TADA_ConvertDepthUnits(Data_Nutrients_UT, unit = "ft")

# Do not convert any depth units, but address depth unit synonyms, add TADA depth columns (copies),
# Add columns with target units and conversion factors for each depth measure unit:
DepthUnitsNotConverted <- TADA_ConvertDepthUnits(Data_Nutrients_UT, transform = FALSE)
# Compare columns before and after transformation to see example transformation from "meters" to "m"
#> [1] NA     "m"    "feet"
#> [1] NA     "m"    "feet"