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This function converts result and detection limit measure values and units in the input dataframe to TADA target units. It also automatically wrangles common USGS units which include speciation in the unit value, such as "mg/l as N" and "mg/l asNO3", by transferring the speciation information to the TADA.MethodSpeciationName field. No speciation conversions occur in this function.


TADA_ConvertResultUnits(.data, ref = "tada", transform = TRUE)



TADA dataframe


Optional character argument in which a user can specify a dataframe by name. Dataframe must contain the columns CharacteristicName, Unit, and TargetUnit. TADA_CreateUnitRef() can be used to help create this dataframe. There are two options that do not require the user to supply a dataframe, "tada" and "wqx". When ref = "wqx" all unit conversion will be based on the WQX unit reference which applies targets at the unit level. When ref = "tada" all unit conversion will be based on TADA priority characteristic units (where applicable) which applies targets at the characteristic level, with any other units assigned by WQX unit reference (at the unit level). The default is ref = "tada".


Boolean argument with two possible values, “TRUE” and “FALSE”. Default is transform = TRUE. When transform = TRUE, result values and units, and detection quantitation limit value and units are converted to TADA target units. This function changes the values within "TADA.ResultMeasure.MeasureUnitCode" and "TADA.DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure.MeasureValue" to the TADA target units and converts respective values within the "TADA.ResultMeasureValue" and "TADA.DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure.MeasureValue" fields. When "TADA.ResultMeasure.MeasureUnitCode" is NA, the unit is taken from "TADA.DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure.MeasureUnitCode" if it not NA. This facilitates estimation of censored data later in the workflow.

When transform = FALSE, result values and units, and detection quantitation limit values are units are NOT converted to TADA target units,but columns are appended to indicate what the target units and conversion factors are, and if the data can be converted. This function adds the following four fields ONLY when transform = FALSE: "TADA.WQXUnitConversionFactor", "TADA.Target.ResultMeasure.MeasureUnitCode", "TADA.SpeciationUnitConversion", and "TADA.WQXResultUnitConversion.


A TADA dataframe. Depending on the arguments entered by the user, the number of columns returned may differ. When transform = TRUE, TADA.ResultMeasureValue and TADA.ResultMeasure.MeasureUnitCode are converted to target units. When transform = FALSE, "TADA.WQXUnitConversionFactor", "TADA.Target.ResultMeasure.MeasureUnitCode", "TADA.SpeciationUnitConversion" are added. With either transform argument, "TADA.WQXResultUnitConversion" is added. It indicates if data can be converted. "NoResultValue" means data cannot be converted because there is no ResultMeasureValue, and "NoTargetUnit"means data cannot be converted because the original unit is not associated with a target unit. "Convert" means the data can be transformed.


The function uses the "TADA.ResultMeasureValue" and TADA.ResultMeasure.MeasureUnitCode" fields from an autocleaned input dataframe to perform conversions when transform = TRUE.

Speciation in USGS result units (ex: "mg/L as N") are addressed in this function by creating additional rows to accommodate all possible combinations from the input TADA dataframe, including those with speciation in units.


# Load example dataset:

# Do not convert result values and units, but add four new columns titled
# "TADA.WQXUnitConversionFactor", "TADA.WQXUnitConversionCoefficient", "TADA.Target.ResultMeasure.MeasureUnitCode", and "TADA.SpeciationUnitConversion":
ResultUnitsNotConverted <- TADA_ConvertResultUnits(Data_Nutrients_UT, transform = FALSE)
#> [1] "TADA_ConvertResultUnits: When Transform = FALSE, result values and units are NOT converted. Conversions are required for many other TADA functions to work properly (such as result value range checks)."

# Convert values and units for results and detection limits:
ResultUnitsConverted <- TADA_ConvertResultUnits(Data_Nutrients_UT, transform = TRUE)