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Use this function to help generate a crosswalk between each ATTAINS.ParameterName used by a specific state or tribal nation and each TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier present in the input TADA dataframe. The crosswalk can be filled out by users within R or Excel. By default this function will generate a user friendly Excel spreadsheet that includes a drop down list list of all ATTAINS parameters that are applicable to the organization selected by the function input 'org_id'. It also highlights the cells in which users should input information. The excel spreadsheet will be automatically downloaded to a user's downloads folder path. Users may need to insert additional rows into the crosswalk if:

  1. an ATTAINS.ParameterName corresponds with multiple TADA.ComparableDataIdentifiers Example: An organization uses "ALUMINUM" for all aluminum related parameter causes but this ATTAINS.ParameterName may crosswalk to "ALUMINUM_TOTAL_NA_UG/L" for one use and "ALUMINUM_DISSOLVED_NA_UG/L" for another use; or

  2. an TADA.ComparableDataIdentifiers corresponds with multiple ATTAINS.ParameterNames. Example: An organization uses both "pH, HIGH" and "pH, LOW" as ATTAINS.ParameterNames, but both crosswalk to the same TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier, "PH_NA_NA_STD UNITS".


  org_id = NULL,
  paramRef = NULL,
  excel = TRUE,
  overwrite = FALSE



A TADA dataframe. We recommend running all desired data cleaning, processing, harmonization, filtering, QAQC, and handling of censored data prior to running TADA_CreateParamRef.


The ATTAINS organization identifier must be supplied by the user. A list of organization identifiers can be found by downloading the ATTAINS Domains Excel file: Organization identifiers are listed in the "OrgName" tab. The "code" column contains the organization identifiers that should be used for this parameter. If a user supplied crosswalk is entered into paramRef AND a user does not provide an org_id argument, the function can identify which organization identifier(s) to include based on the unique ATTAINS organization identifiers found in the dataframe.


A dataframe which contains a completed crosswalk between TADA_ComparableDataIdentifier and ATTAINS.ParameterName. Users will need to ensure this crosswalk contains the appropriate column names in order to run the function. paramRef must contain at least these two column names: TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier and ATTAINS.ParameterName. Users who are interested in performing analyses for more than one organization (multiple states or tribes, or a single state/tribe and EPA 304a criteria) also need to include an additional column name: 'organization_identifier'.


A Boolean value that returns an excel spreadsheet if excel = TRUE. This spreadsheet is created in the user's downloads folder path. If needed, please type the following into your R console: file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"), "Downloads") to ensure the file is downloaded to the correct location. The file will be named "myfileRef.xlsx".


A Boolean value that ensures the function will not overwrite the user supplied crosswalk entered into this function via the paramRef function input. This helps prevent users from overwriting their progress.


A excel file or data frame which contains the columns: TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier, organization_identifier, EPA304A.PollutantName, ATTAINS.ParameterName, and ATTAINS.FlagParameterName. Users will need to complete the crosswalk between ATTAINS.ParameterName and TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier.


Users who have already created an ATTAINS parameter and TADA/WQP characteristic crosswalk can provide it as an input to this function. The user-supplied crosswalk (dataframe entered into paramRef function input) must contain the two required columns: TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier and ATTAINS.ParameterName. In addition, users who are interested in performing analyses for more than one organization (multiple states or tribes, or a single state/tribe and EPA 304a criteria) also need to include an additional column name: 'organization_identifier'. This ensures that the crosswalk between TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier and ATTAINS.ParameterName are specific and accurate for each organization. If a crosswalk has already been created in the past and is entered into this function as a starting point, then any TADA.ComparableDataIdentifiers that were previously matched with ATTAINS parameters will be retained in the crosswalk, and any new TADA.ComparableDataIdentifiers from the new input data frame will be added to the crosswalk. Users can then focus on matching only the new TADA.ComparableDataIdentifiers with applicable ATTAINS parameter names.

The EPA TADA team created a draft crosswalk between characteristic names (TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier) and EPA 304A pollutant names (sourced from the Criteria Search Tool: This crosswalk only includes priority characteristics identified by the TADA Working Group. You are welcome to reach out to the TADA team to ask for additional matches to be included. You may run the following line of code in the console to review this crosswalk: 'CSTtoATTAINSParamCrosswalk <- utils::read.csv(system.file("extdata", "TADAPriorityCharUnitRef.csv", package = "EPATADA"))'.

If no existing ATTAINS parameter name corresponds with a specific TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier, users may contact the ATTAINS helpdesk to inquire about adding the parameter. Users are free to use any ATTAINS parameter name found in the ATTAINS parameter domain value list, even if the parameter name has not previously been listed as a cause by the specific organization in the past. The full list of ATTAINS parameter names can be found by downloading the ATTAINS Domains Excel file: In the meantime, users can proceed by overriding the data validation in Excel by value pasting. In that case, users will be warned in the ATTAINS.FlagParameterName column that they choose to include an ATTAINS.ParameterName that was not used by the selected organization in prior ATTAINS assessment cycles.


# This creates a blank paramRef template of UT Nutrients data.
# Users will need to fill this template out.
# Uncomment example below to generate Excel file
# (we recommended working on this in Excel):
# TADA_CreateParamRef(Data_Nutrients_UT, org_id = "UTAHDWQ", excel = TRUE)
# Example below generates the same output as a dataframe
paramRef_UT <- TADA_CreateParamRef(
  org_id = "UTAHDWQ", excel = FALSE
# Users can choose to edit the paramRef_UT through the R environment or in
# the excel spreadsheet. Users should be aware that any updates done only
# in the R environment will not reflect the 'ATTAINS.FlagParameterName' values
# correctly. If completed in R, we recommend users rerun this function
# to update the 'ATTAINS.FlagParameterName'.
# See below for a simple example of this workflow:

# Manually add ATTAINS parameters to crosswalk using R
paramRef_UT2 <- dplyr::mutate(paramRef_UT, ATTAINS.ParameterName = dplyr::case_when(
  TADA.CharacteristicName == "AMMONIA" ~ "AMMONIA, TOTAL",
  TADA.CharacteristicName == "NITRATE" ~ "NITRATE",
# Update the 'ATTAINS.FlagParameterName' values
paramRef_UT3 <- TADA_CreateParamRef(Data_Nutrients_UT,
  paramRef = paramRef_UT2,
  org_id = "UTAHDWQ", excel = FALSE

# Example where multiple org_id's are selected
# First, run key flag functions and harmonize synonyms across
# characteristic, fraction, and speciation columns
Data_NCTCShepherdstown <- TADA_RunKeyFlagFunctions(Data_NCTCShepherdstown_HUC12)
#> [1] "Quality control samples have been removed or were not present in the input dataframe. Returning dataframe with TADA.ActivityType.Flag column for tracking."
Data_NCTCShepherdstown2 <- TADA_HarmonizeSynonyms(Data_NCTCShepherdstown)
# Create ATTAINS parameter crosswalk for MD, VA, and PA
paramRef_NCTC <- TADA_CreateParamRef(Data_NCTCShepherdstown2,
  org_id =
    c("MDE_EASP", "21VASWCB", "21PA"), excel = FALSE
#> [1] "TADA.CreateParamRef: More than one org_name was defined in your dataframe.Generating duplicate rows of TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier for each org."
#> There are 465 unique TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier names in your TADA data frame.
#>     This may result in slow runtime for TADA_CreateParamRef() if you are generating an excel spreadsheet.