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Identifies data records uploaded by different organizations with the same date, time, characteristic name, and result value within X meters of each other and flags as potential duplicates. However, it is at the discretion of the data user to determine if the data records are unique or represent overlap that could cause issues in the data analysis.


  dist_buffer = 100,
  org_hierarchy = "none"



TADA dataframe


Numeric. The distance in meters below which two sites with measurements at the same time on the same day of the same parameter will be flagged as potential duplicates.


Vector of organization identifiers that acts as the order in which the function should select a result as the representative duplicate, based on the organization that collected the data. If left blank, the function chooses the representative duplicate result at random.


The same input TADA dataframe with four additional columns: a TADA.MultipleOrgDuplicate column indicating if there is evidence that results are likely duplicated due to submission of the same dataset by two or more different organizations, a TADA.MultipleOrgDupGroupID column containing a number unique to results that may represent duplicated measurement events, a TADA.ResultSelectedMultipleOrgs column indicating which rows are selected to keep (Y) and remove (N) based on the org hierarchy, and a TADA.NearbySiteGroups column indicating which monitoring locations are within the distance buffer from each other.


This function runs TADA_FindNearbySites within it which adds the TADA.NearbySiteGroups field. Duplicates are only flagged as duplicates if the distance between sites is less than the function input dist_buffer (default is 100m). Each group in the TADA.NearbySiteGroups field indicates that the sites within each group are within the specified distance from each other.

We recommend running TADA_FindPotentialDuplicatesMultipleOrgs after running TADA_FindPotentialDuplicatesSingleOrg.


if (FALSE) {
# Load dataset
dat <- TADA_DataRetrieval(startDate = "2022-09-01", endDate = "2023-05-01", statecode = "PA", sampleMedia = "Water")
# If duplicates across organizations exist, pick the result belonging to "21PA_WQX" if available.
dat1 <- TADA_FindPotentialDuplicatesMultipleOrgs(dat, dist_buffer = 100, org_hierarchy = c("21PA_WQX"))