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This function creates a dataframe with two columns to show the organization identifier for each monitoring location. The user can select whether the monitoring location identifier column displays the original WQP 'MonitoringLocationIdentifier' or the 'TADA.MonitoringLocationIdentifier'. When 'TADA.MonitoringLocationIdentifier' is selected (with id = "tada"), there may be fewer rows in the resulting data set than when 'MonitoringLocationIdentifier" is selected (with id = "wqp"). This may occur if other EPATADA package functions have already been run, such as TADA_FindNearbySites or TADA_FindPotentialDuplicatesMultipleOrgs, because these functions group sites that are nearby or duplicates of each other.


TADA_GetMonLocByOrgId(.data, id = "wqp")



A TADA dataframe.


Character argument. Determines which monitoring location identifier and organization identifier from the TADA dataframe to display. When id = "wqp", 'MonitoringLocationIdentifier' is used. When id = "tada", 'TADA.MonitoringLocationIdentifier" is used. Default is id = "wqp".


A crosswalk dataframe of monitoring location identifiers and organization identifiers.


orgsite_crosswalk_originalwqp <- TADA_GetMonLocByOrgId(
  id = "wqp"
orgsite_crosswalk_tada <- TADA_GetMonLocByOrgId(Data_6Tribes_5y_Harmonized,
  id = "tada"