TADA Module 3: Associating WQP Characteristics with Applicable ATTAINS and EPA 304(a) Parameters and Uses
Thank you for your interest in Tools for Automated Data Analysis (TADA). TADA is an open-source tool set built in the R programming language. The EPATADA R Package is still under development. New functionality is added weekly, and sometimes we need to make bug fixes in response to user feedback. We appreciate your feedback, patience, and interest in these helpful tools. If you are interested in contributing to EPATADA development, more information is available here. We welcome collaboration with external partners!
Install and load packages
First, install and load the remotes package specifying the repo. This is needed before installing EPATADA because it is only available on GitHub.
repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org"
Next, install and load the EPATADA R Package using the remotes package. Dependency packages will also be downloaded automatically from CRAN. You may be prompted in the console to update dependencies that have more recent versions available. If you see this prompt, it is recommended to update all of them (enter 1 into the console).
ref = "develop",
dependencies = TRUE
Finally, use the library() function to load the EPATADA R Package into your R session.
All TADA R package functions have their own individual help pages,
listed on the Function
reference page on the GitHub site. Users can also access the help
page for a given function in R or RStudio using the following format
(example below): ?[name of TADA function]
# Access help page for TADA_DataRetrieval
Introduction to TADA Module 3
This RMarkdown document walks users through how to create WQP and ATTAINS data crosswalks that are needed prior to defining and capturing organization specific criteria and methodologies. It is the first of several vignettes that are being developed as part of TADA Module 3.
Specifically, this vignette provides an overview of two functions that can assist users with:
Creating a crosswalk (reference table) between ATTAINS parameter names and WQP/TADA characteristic names.
Creating a crosswalk (reference table) of all unique combinations of ATTAINS uses and and parameters applicable to ATTAINS Assessment Units of interest.
These Module 3 functions are being designed with the flexibility for users from states, tribes, or territories to input organization-specific information. While TADA functions help generate these crosswalks, users must review and modify the tables generated in each step of the process to ensure their accuracy. Additionally, the TADA team has also incorporated national recommended Clean Water Act (CWA) 304(a) numeric criteria for optional use in Module 3 functions by leveraging data from EPA’s Criteria Search Tool (CST). In the next vignette, TADAModule3_PartB , which is coming soon, this will allow users to analyze their data against the 304(a) criteria; and to easily compare results when when using 304(a) criteria vs. their own organization’s criteria.
Example data from WQP
Let’s start with an example data frame that has gone through data cleaning, wrangling, harmonization, handling of censored data, removal of suspect results, and other important TADA Module 1 functions. This process should be completed by users before utilizing Module 3 functions. The example TADA data frame used in this vignette (Data_HUC8_02070004_Mod1Output) has already been through this process.
# import example data set (output of Module 1 Workflow)
Data_NCTC <- Data_HUC8_02070004_Mod1Output
This example includes results from from multiple states. In the following sections, for demonstration purposes, we will focus only on Maryland. The remainder of this vignette will walk through how to fill out two crosswalk tables (TADA_CreateParamRef and TADA_CreateParamUseRef) that are needed before we can start assigning applicable criteria and methodologies information for this specific ATTAINS organization (Maryland).
TADA_CreateParamRef() Basics
A crosswalk between WQX/WQP/TADA characteristics and ATTAINS parameters is needed before we can integrate information from these two data systems. Before creating the WQP/TADA and ATTAINS parameter crosswalk table (TADA_CreateParamRef), let’s review the unique characteristic, fraction and speciation combinations from the example data frame (TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier) and how many results are available for each within the example data set (Data_NCTC).
# create table with counts of TADA.ComparableDataIdentifiers
TADA_FieldValuesTable(Data_NCTC, field = "TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier")
## Value Count
## 1 PH_NA_NA_NA 45
We can also review the domain values of parameter names listed as causes in prior assessment cycles (for all organizations) in ATTAINS by using a function from rATTAINS, which provides functions for downloading tidy data from the ATTAINS public web services (https://github.com/mps9506/rATTAINS).
# return ATTAINS domain names
# return ATTAINS parameter domain values
TADA_TableExport(rATTAINS::domain_values(domain_name = "ParameterName"))
As the ATTAINS parameters are more general than the TADA.ComparableDataIdenitfiers, it is not possible at this time to completely automate the assignment of TADA.ComparableIentifiers to ATTAINS parameters. TADA_CreateParamRef() creates a template which includes all TADA.ComparableDataIdentifiers from the TADA data frame and provides a blank column, “ATTAINS.ParameterName” for users to input the corresponding ATTAINS parameter name. The function automatically pairs the EPA 304(a) pollutant name with the TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier for some priority characteristics.
Setting “excel = TRUE” in TADA_CreateParamRef causes the function to automatically create an Excel spreadsheet of the reference table for easy review and editing. If users do not want to work in Excel, they can use “excel = FALSE” to return a data frame. The data frame can be edited directly in R if desired, although there are no TADA-specific functions designed to facilitate this.
When using TADA_CreateParamRef(), users should specify the organization(s) of interested in the “org_names” argument. This ensures that the correct number of rows will be created in the reference table. When “excel = TRUE”, specifying the organization(s) also creates a separate tab in the Excel file which contains the parameter names used in prior assessment cycles by the specified ATTAINS organization(s). This will allow users to decide whether to continue to use the same ATTAINS parameter names from prior assessments that their organizations(s) have used in the past, or to use other valid parameter names from the entire ATTAINS domain list. If there is not a suitable ATTAINS parameter name to match a TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier, users should contact the ATTAINS team (attains@epa.gov) for assistance.
# return ATTAINS organization domain values
TADA_TableExport(rATTAINS::domain_values(domain_name = "OrgName"))
# create TADA parameter reference table for specified organization
NCTC_ParamRef <- TADA_CreateParamRef(
org_id = c("MDE_EASP"), # Maryland
excel = FALSE, # change to TRUE to download excel file
overwrite = FALSE
# export TADA parameter reference table as csv
Once the parameter reference table has been reviewed and modified, it can be saved and reused for analysis of future TADA data frames.
The code chunk below demonstrates how the parameter reference table can be modified in R. Once modifications are complete, we can re-run TADA_CreateParamRef using the modified parameter reference table as the input for “paramRef”. This will update the ATTAINS.FlagParameterName column in the parameter reference table (see NCTC_ParamRef2 in example below). This column provides information about whether or not the organization specified in the “organization_identifier” column has listed this parameter as a cause in prior assessment cycles. It also flags rows where the TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier as not been assigned an ATTAINS parameter name.
# only run the code chunks below if you make edits to the excel file.
# downloads_path <- file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"), "Downloads", "myfileRef.xlsx")
# ParamRef <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(downloads_path, sheet = "CreateParamRef")
# NCTC_ParamRef3 <- TADA_CreateParamRef(
# Data_NCTC,
# org_names = c("MDE_EASP"),
# paramRef = ParamRef,
# excel = FALSE # comment out 'excel = FALSE' and uncomment excel = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE to run the excel file
# #excel = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE
# )
ParamRef <- dplyr::mutate(NCTC_ParamRef, ATTAINS.ParameterName = dplyr::case_when(
TADA.CharacteristicName == "PH" ~ "PH",
TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier == "ZINC_TOTAL_NA_UG/L" ~ "ZINC",
grepl("NITRATE", TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier) ~ "NITROGEN, TOTAL"
NCTC_ParamRef2 <- TADA_CreateParamRef(
org_id = c("MDE_EASP"),
paramRef = ParamRef,
excel = FALSE
) # comment out 'excel = FALSE' and uncomment excel = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE to run the excel file
# excel = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
TADA_CreateParamUseRef() Basics
Our first example will pull in all prior ATTAINS uses (use_names) and parameter names (ATTAINS.ParameterName) specific to the specified ATTAINS organization (defined by the org_names function argument for TADA_CreateParamUseRef), which in this case is “MDE_EASP” (Maryland). Users will review the output and choose which use_name’s are applicable to their analysis. The default functionality is to “Include” all ATTAINS use_names (see the “IncludeOrExclude” column). Later in the data analysis process, users will be asked to define criteria and methodologies that is applicable to each ATTAINS use_name and parameter name labeled as “Include”. If a use_name is not applicable, users should choose “Exclude” for that ATTAINS parameter name and use name.
For any ATTAINS parameter name(s) that have not been used by this organization in prior assessment cycles, there will be no prior use names associated with them. In this case, users will be responsible for manually assigning the appropriate use_name applicable to their org under the column ‘use_name’, and for inputting additional rows as needed if the parameter applies to multiples uses.
In the example below, we can see “PH” was not a prior ATTAINS parameter name for MDE_EASP (see ATTAINS.FlagUseName column in NCTC_ParamUseRef). If desired, a user can manually assign this parameter to any applicable uses (disclaimer: this is for demonstration purposes only and does not reflect MDE_EASP’s process).
NCTC_ParamUseRef <- TADA_CreateParamUseRef(
org_id = c("MDE_EASP"),
paramRef = ParamRef,
excel = FALSE
Users may also choose to include the EPA304a recommended water quality criteria within the function input “org_names”. This option utilizes the EPA304a.PollutantName column created in TADA_CreateParamRef(). If a user includes additional organizations beyond “MDE_EASP” and “EPA304a”, like in the example NCTC_ParamUseRef2 below, it will not generate rows for the parameter and use combinations for those additional orgs (“21VASWCB” (Virginia), “21PA”(Pennsylvania), WVDEP (West Virginia)) because only MDE_EASP (Maryland) was defined in TADA_CreateParamRef() for paramRef = ParamRef. If you would like to include other organizations here, you must first fill out the TADA_CreateParamRef() for all organizations of interest.
NCTC_ParamUseRef2 <- TADA_CreateParamUseRef(
org_id = c("EPA304a", "MDE_EASP", "21VASWCB", "21PA", "WVDEP"),
paramRef = ParamRef,
excel = FALSE
Instead, users should create a parameter and use reference table, TADA_CreateParamUseRef(), for the same organizations included in the parameter name crosswalk, TADA_CreateParamRef(). While aspects of this process are partially automated, both crosswalks must be manually reviewed, adjusted, and finalized by the user of these functions.
Users may choose to voluntarily share their reference tables for their organization with the TADA Team so that others can use it in the future.
NCTC_ParamUseRef3 <- TADA_CreateParamUseRef(
org_id = c("EPA304a", "MDE_EASP"),
paramRef = NCTC_ParamRef2,
excel = FALSE
In this example, we designate that the ATTAINS.ParameterName “PH” is equivalent to the TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier ‘PH_NA_NA_STD UNITS’, which was not used in prior ATTAINS assessment cycles for Maryland. This results in the ‘use_name’ column returning a blank value for ATTAINS.ParameterName “PH”. Therefore, we need to specify the use_name(s) that we would like to associate with “PH” for this organization. In excel, there will be a drop down list of organization (“MDE_EASP”) specific use_names that were used in prior ATTAINS assessments. If no excel file is generated, this is an example workflow of how a user can edit the table in the R environment.
add_data <- data.frame("organization_identifier" = "MDE_EASP", "ATTAINS.ParameterName" = rep("PH", 3), "use_name" = c(
"Aquatic Life and Wildlife", "Water Contact Sports",
"Seasonal Migratory Fish Spawning and Nursery Subcategory"
# The output of this will not reflect changes to the ATTAINS.FlagUseName column. To do so, we need to re run TADA_CreateParamUseRef() with paramUseRef = ParamUseRef as an argument.
ParamUseRef <- NCTC_ParamUseRef3 %>%
dplyr::left_join(add_data, by = c("organization_identifier", "ATTAINS.ParameterName"), keep = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::mutate(use_name = dplyr::coalesce(use_name.x, use_name.y)) %>%
dplyr::select(-c(use_name.x, use_name.y))
# User now has a saved dataframe which can be used to reflect any updates of Parameter-use ref in the future.
# PH will now reflect the changes
NCTC_ParamUseRef3.1 <- TADA_CreateParamUseRef(
paramUseRef = ParamUseRef, # Edits were made to paramUseRef, updates flag column
org_id = c("EPA304a", "MDE_EASP"),
paramRef = NCTC_ParamRef2,
excel = FALSE
Next steps
Stay tuned! Future vignettes aim to assist with next steps in the analysis process, including:
Defining the water quality criteria and methodologies used for each unique combination of ATTAINS assessment unit, use, and parameter.
Summarizing results by: (1) individual magnitude excursions.
Disclaimer: The EPATADA Module 3 functions are under active development. EPATADA functions do not constitute current EPA recommendations, policy or regulatory requirements. Organizations may optionally choose to use EPATADA as a a tool in their process. Use of EPATADA is not required.