This function identifies censored data records and characterizes them as "Non-Detects" or "Over-Detects" based on the ResultDetectionConditionText and DetectionQuantitationLimitTypeName. It also identifies records populated with limits and conditions that cannot be grouped as over- or non-detects as "Other Condition/Limit Populated", and flags records where there is a conflict between ResultDetectionConditionText and DetectionQuantitationLimitTypeName as "Conflict between Condition and Limit". A "Conflict between Condition and Limit" may occur if: A) the data submitter supplied multiple detection limits and the wrong one is accidentally being associated with the detection condition, or B) the data submitter accidentally choose the wrong detection limit or detection condition to associate with the result. Detection limit results missing ResultDetectionConditionText are flagged as "Detection condition is missing and required for censored data ID." unless the ResultMeasureValue field is populated with "ND" (indicating non-detect). In rare situations, new detection limit types are added to WQX domain tables (and thus WQP data) that have not yet been classified as over- or non-detects. When these appear in a dataframe, they are categorized as "Detection condition or detection limit is not documented in TADA reference tables." In these situations, users should contact TADA administrators to update the package accordingly. This function is used by default in TADA_SimpleCensoredMethods, but can be used on its own.
A TADA dataframe with additional column named TADA.CensoredData.Flag, which categorizes results with the following values:
Detection condition or detection limit is not documented in TADA reference tables.
Detection condition is missing and required for censored data ID.
Conflict between Condition and Limit
Other Condition/Limit Populated If user has not previously run TADA_FlagMeasureQualifierCode, this function will also run that function to add the columns TADA.MeasureQualifierCode.Flag and TADA.MeasureQualifierCode.Def because user-supplied Result Measure Qualifier codes are also used to ID censored results.