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This function identifies depth profiles within a dataframe to assist the user in selecting params for TADA_DepthProfilePlot. A TADA compatible data set is required. If TADA_FlagDepthCategory has not yet been run, it will be run as part of this function. The output dataframe is grouped by MonitoringLocationIdentifier, OrganizationIdentifier, and ActivityStartDate.


TADA_IDDepthProfiles(.data, nresults = TRUE, nvalue = 2, aggregates = FALSE)



TADA dataframe which must include the columns ActivityStartDate, TADA.ConsolidatedDepth, TADA.ConsolidatedDepth.Unit, TADA.ConsolidatedDepth.Bottom, TADA.ResultMeasureValue, TADA.ResultMeasureValue.UnitCode, OrganizationIdentifier, MonitoringLocationName, MonitoringLocationIdentifier, and TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier.


Boolean argument with options "TRUE" or "FALSE". The default is nresults = TRUE, which means that the number of results for each characteristic are added within the TADA.CharacteristicsForDepthProfile column. When nresults = FALSE.


numeric argument to specify the number of results required to identify a depth profile. The default is 2, which means that a depth profile will be identified if 2 or more results at different depths exists for the same ActivityStartDate, MonitoringLocationIdentifier, OrganizationIdentifier, and TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier. A few characteristics are excluded from this requirement because they are expected to have only a single result in depth units (ex: secchi disk depth).


Boolean argument with options "TRUE" or "FALSE". The default is aggregates = FALSE, which means that any aggregate values created (means) in TADA_FlagDepthCategory are excluded from identifying depth profile data. Aggregate values that were selected from the existing data set (max and min) remain. Only columns created/add by TADA_FlagDepthCategory are removed when aggregates = FALSE. When aggregates = TRUE, all aggregate values are included when identifying depth profile data.


A dataframe with the columns MonitoringLocationIdentifier, MonitoringLocationName, OrganizationIdentifier, ActivityStartDate, TADA.CharacteristicsForDepthProfile. Based on the user input for the nresults param, TADA.CharacteristicsForDepthProfile may or may not contain the number of results for each characteristic.


A new column, TADA.CharacteristicsForDepthProfile, is created which lists the characteristics available for depth profile analysis. Using the, nresults param, users can specify whether characteristic names should be followed by the number of results available for the characteristic in parentheses.


# Load dataframe

# find depth profile data without showing number of results
Data_6Tribes_5y_DepthProfileID_Nresults <- TADA_IDDepthProfiles(Data_6Tribes_5y, nresults = FALSE)
#> [1] "TADA_IDDepthProfiles: Necessary columns are being added to the dataframe using TADA_DepthCatgegory.Flag function."
#> [1] "TADA_FlagDepthCategory: checking data set for depth values. 57765 results have depth values available."
#> [1] "TADA_FlagDepthCategory: assigning depth categories."
#> [1] "TADA_FlagDepthCategory: Grouping results by MonitoringLocationIdentifier, OrganizationIdentifier, CharacteristicName, and ActivityStartDate for aggregation for entire water column."
#> [1] "TADA_FlagDepthCategory: No aggregation performed."

# find depth profile data showing number of results
Data_6Tribes_5y_DepthProfileID <- TADA_IDDepthProfiles(Data_6Tribes_5y)
#> [1] "TADA_IDDepthProfiles: Necessary columns are being added to the dataframe using TADA_DepthCatgegory.Flag function."
#> [1] "TADA_FlagDepthCategory: checking data set for depth values. 57765 results have depth values available."
#> [1] "TADA_FlagDepthCategory: assigning depth categories."
#> [1] "TADA_FlagDepthCategory: Grouping results by MonitoringLocationIdentifier, OrganizationIdentifier, CharacteristicName, and ActivityStartDate for aggregation for entire water column."
#> [1] "TADA_FlagDepthCategory: No aggregation performed."