This function creates a summary table of the dataset based on grouping columns. The 'TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier' column is the required and default grouping column, but the user may include additional columns if desired. The summary table includes the measurement count, location count, censored data stats, min, max, and percentile stats, and a suggested non-detect estimation method. The estimation method is based on the following article: Baseline Assessment of Left-Censored Environmental Data Using R Tech Note. More info can be found here: Suggested methods are based on the measurement count, the number of non-detects in the dataset, and the number of censoring levels (detection limit types) and methods include Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Robust ROS and Kaplan Meier.
TADA_Stats(.data, group_cols = c("TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier"))
- .data
TADA dataframe containing the data downloaded from the WQP, where each row represents a unique data record. Dataframe must include the columns 'TADA.ResultMeasureValue', 'TADA.ResultMeasure.MeasureUnitCode', 'TADA.ResultSampleFractionText', 'TADA.MethodSpeciationName', 'TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier', 'TADA.CensoredData.Flag', 'DetectionQuantitationLimitTypeName', and 'MonitoringLocationIdentifier' to run this function. The 'TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier' can be added to the dataframe by running the function TADA_CreateComparableID().
- group_cols
This function automatically uses 'TADA.ComparableDataIdentifier' as a grouping column. However, the user may want to summarize their dataset by additional grouping columns. For example, a user may want to create a summary table where each row is specific to one comparable data identifier AND one monitoring location. This input would look like: group_cols = c("MonitoringLocationIdentifier")
# Load example dataset:
# Create stats table:
Data_6Tribes_5y_Harmonized_stats <- TADA_Stats(Data_6Tribes_5y_Harmonized)