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This function uses the WQX Characteristic domain table to substitute deprecated (i.e. retired and/or suspect) Characteristic Names with the new name in the TADA.CharacteristicName column. TADA_SubstituteDeprecatedChars is run within TADA_AutoClean, which runs within TADA_DataRetrieval and (if autoclean = TRUE) in TADA_BigDataRetrieval. Therefore, deprecated characteristic names are harmonized to the new name automatically upon data retrieval. TADA_SubstituteDeprecatedChars can also be used by itself on a user supplied dataset that is in the WQX format, if desired. This solution works for both EPA WQX and USGS NWIS provided data.





TADA dataframe


Input TADA dataframe with substituted characteristic names in TADA.CharacteristicName column. Original columns are unchanged.


Enter ?TADA_GetCharacteristicRef() to review a list of all WQX characteristics, the including deprecated names (Char_Flag). This can be used as a crosswalk between the deprecated names (CharacteristicName) and their new names (Comparable.Name).


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# download nutrient data in MT from 2022 and set autoclean = FALSE
df <- TADA_DataRetrieval(startDate = "2022-01-01", endDate = "2022-12-31", characteristicType = "Nutrient", statecode = "MT", applyautoclean = FALSE)
df2 <- TADA_SubstituteDeprecatedChars(df)
# in this example, "Inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite)" is a USGS NWIS characteristic that is
# deprecated and "Phosphate-phosphorus***retired***use Total Phosphorus, mixed forms" is a deprecated WQX
# name. Both are are transformed to their new names.
# review characteristic names before and after transformation

df3 <- TADA_DataRetrieval(startDate = "2022-01-01", endDate = "2022-12-31", characteristicType = "Nutrient", statecode = "WY", applyautoclean = FALSE)
df4 <- TADA_SubstituteDeprecatedChars(df3)
} # }