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Fetches ATTAINS features (state- or tribe- or other entity- submitted points, lines, and polygons representing their assessment units; and the EPA snapshot of the associated NHDPlus HR catchments that the state- or tribe- or other entity- submitted features fall within) within a bounding box produced from a set of TADA spatial features.


fetchATTAINS(.data, catchments_only = FALSE)



A dataframe developed using TADA_DataRetrieval() or TADA_MakeSpatial().


Whether to return just the summarized ATTAINS catchment features, or both the catchments and raw ATTAINS features. TRUE or FALSE.


Spatial features (ATTAINS_catchments, ATTAINS_points, ATTAINS_lines, and ATTAINS_polygons) that are within the spatial bounding box of water quality observations.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
tada_data <- TADA_DataRetrieval(
  startDate = "1990-01-01",
  endDate = "1995-12-31",
  characteristicName = "pH",
  statecode = "NV",
  applyautoclean = TRUE

nv_attains_features <- EPATADA:::fetchATTAINS(tada_data, catchments_only = FALSE)
} # }