Fetches NHD features from either the high resolution or medium resolution version of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) that intersect catchments containing TADA Water Quality Portal observations.
- .data
A dataframe created by
or the geospatial equivalent made byTADA_MakeSpatial()
.- resolution
Whether to download the NHDPlus HiRes resolution ("Hi") or medium NHDPlus V2 resolution ("Med") version of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). Default is "Hi".
- features
Which NHD features to return: "catchments", "flowlines", "waterbodies", or any combination.
A list containing all selected NHD features associated with the WQP observations of interest. Or, if a single feature type is selected, a single geospatial object instead of a list. Default is "catchments" only.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
tada_data <- TADA_DataRetrieval(
startDate = "1990-01-01",
endDate = "1990-01-15",
characteristicName = "pH",
statecode = "CO",
applyautoclean = TRUE
nhd_data <- fetchNHD(
.data = tada_data, resolution = "Hi",
features = c("catchments", "waterbodies", "flowlines")
} # }