Source code for

The module includes simulation options.

.. note:: 

    This module has been changed in version 0.2.3 to incorporate the new options 
    that EPANET 2.2 requires. It also reorganizes certain options to better align 
    with EPANET nomenclature. This change is not backwards compatible, particularly 
    when trying to use pickle files with older options.
import re
import logging
import warnings
import copy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _float_or_None(value):
    """Converts a value to a float, but doesn't crash for values of None"""
    if value is not None:
        return float(value)
    return None

def _int_or_None(value):
    """Converts a value to an int, but doesn't crash for values of None"""
    if value is not None:
        return int(value)
    return None

def _new_report_params():
    ret = dict(elevation=False, demand=True, head=True, pressure=True,
                quality=True, length=False, diameter=False, flow=True,
                velocity=True, headloss=True, position=False, setting=False, reaction=False)
    ret['f-factor'] = False
    return ret

def _new_report_obj():
    ret = dict(demand=True, head=True, pressure=True, quality=True,
                flow=True, linkquality=True, velocity=True, headloss=True, status=True,
                setting=True, rxnrate=True, frictionfact=True)
    return ret

def _new_param_opts():
    ret = dict(elevation=dict(), demand=dict(), head=dict(), pressure=dict(),
                quality=dict(), length=dict(), diameter=dict(), flow=dict(), 
                velocity=dict(), headloss=dict(), position=dict(), setting=dict(),
    ret['f-factor'] = dict()
    return ret

class _OptionsBase(object):
    def factory(cls, val):
        """Create an options object based on passing in an instance of the object, a dict, or a tuple"""
        if isinstance(val, cls):
            return val
        elif isinstance(val, dict):
            return cls(**val)
        elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
            return cls(*val)
        elif val is None:
            return cls()
        raise ValueError('Unknown type for %s.factory: %s',
                         cls.__name__, type(val))

    def __str__(self):
        return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(["{}={}".format(k, repr(v)) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()]))
    __repr__ = __str__

    def __iter__(self):
        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
                vv = dict(v)
                vv = v
            yield k, vv

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.__dict__[index]
    def __eq__(self, other):
        if other is None: return False
        if not hasattr(other, '__dict__'): return False
        for k in self.__dict__.keys():
            if not self.__dict__[k] == other.__dict__[k]: return False
        return True

[docs] class TimeOptions(_OptionsBase): """ Options related to simulation and model timing. These options are named according to the EPANET 2.2 "Times" settings. Parameters ---------- duration : int Simulation duration (seconds), by default 0. hydraulic_timestep : int >= 1 Hydraulic timestep (seconds), by default 3600 (one hour). quality_timestep : int >= 1 Water quality timestep (seconds), by default 360 (five minutes). rule_timestep : int >= 1 Rule timestep (seconds), by default 360 (five minutes). pattern_timestep : int >= 1 Pattern timestep (seconds), by default 3600 (one hour). pattern_start : int Time offset (in seconds) to find the starting pattern step; changes where in pattern the pattern starts out, *not* what time the pattern starts, by default 0. report_timestep : int >= 1 Reporting timestep (seconds), by default 3600 (one hour). report_start : int Start time of the report (in seconds) from the start of the simulation, by default 0. start_clocktime : int Time of day (in seconds from midnight) at which the simulation begins, by default 0 (midnight). statistic: str Provide statistics rather than time series report in the report file. Options are "AVERAGED", "MINIMUM", "MAXIUM", "RANGE", and "NONE" (as defined in the EPANET User Manual). Defaults to "NONE". pattern_interpolation: bool **Only used by the WNTRSimulator**. Defaults to False. If True, interpolation will be used determine pattern values between pattern timesteps. If False, patterns cause step-like behavior where the pattern value corresponding to the most recent pattern timestep is used until the next pattern timestep. For example, given the pattern [1, 1.2, 1.6], a pattern timestep of 1 hour, and a pattern_interpolation value of False, a value of 1 is used at 0 hours and every time strictly less than 1 hour. A value of 1.2 is used at hour 1 and every time strictly less than 2 hours. With a pattern_interpolation value of True, a value of 1 is used at 0 hours and a value of 1.2 is used at 1 hour. However, at an intermediat time such as 0.5 hours, interpolation is used, resulting in a value of 1.1. Using interpolation with a shorter hydraulic_timestep can make problems with large changes in patterns (e.g., large changes in demand) easier to solve. """ _pattern1 = re.compile(r'^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$') _pattern2 = re.compile(r'^(\d+):(\d+)$') _pattern3 = re.compile(r'^(\d+)$')
[docs] def __init__(self, duration: int = 0, hydraulic_timestep: int=3600, quality_timestep: int=360, rule_timestep: int=360, pattern_timestep: int=3600, pattern_start: int=0, report_timestep: int=3600, report_start: int=0, start_clocktime: int=0, statistic: str='NONE', pattern_interpolation: bool = False): self.duration = duration self.hydraulic_timestep = hydraulic_timestep self.quality_timestep = quality_timestep self.rule_timestep = rule_timestep self.pattern_timestep = pattern_timestep self.pattern_start = pattern_start self.report_timestep = report_timestep self.report_start = report_start self.start_clocktime = start_clocktime self.statistic = statistic self.pattern_interpolation = pattern_interpolation
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'statistic': value = str.upper(value) if value not in ['AVERAGED', 'MINIMUM', 'MAXIMUM', 'RANGE', 'NONE']: raise ValueError('Statistic must be one of AVERAGED, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, RANGE or NONE') elif name in {'hydraulic_timestep', 'quality_timestep', 'rule_timestep', 'pattern_timestep'}: try: value = max(1, int(value)) except ValueError: raise ValueError('%s must be an integer >= 1'%name) elif name not in {'duration', 'pattern_start', 'report_start', 'report_timestep', 'start_clocktime', 'pattern_interpolation'}: raise AttributeError('%s is not a valid attribute in TimeOptions'%name) elif name not in {'report_timestep', 'pattern_interpolation'}: try: value = float(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('%s must be a number'%name) self.__dict__[name] = value
[docs] class GraphicsOptions(_OptionsBase): """ Options related to graphics. May be used to contain custom, user defined values. These options are taken from the EPANET "[BACKDROP]" section. Additionally, the "MAP" option (`map_filename`), which identifies a file containing node coordinates in the EPANET "[OPTIONS]" section, is also included here. Parameters ---------- dimensions : 4-tuple or list Dimensions for backdrop image in the order (LLx, LLy, URx, URy). By default, EPANET will make the image match the full extent of node coordinates (set to `None`). units : str Units for backdrop image dimensions. Must be one of FEET, METERS, DEGREES or NONE, by default "NONE". offset : 2-tuple or list Offset for the network in order (X, Y), by default ``None`` (no offset). image_filename : str Filename where image is located, by default ``None``. map_filename : str Filename used to store node coordinates in (node, x, y) format. This option is from the EPANET "[OPTIONS]" section. See note below. .. note:: Because the format of the MAP file is uncertain, file will need to be processed by the user to assign coordinates to nodes, if desired. Remember that node coordinates have impact *only* on graphics and *do not* impact simulation results. If the `map_filename` is not ``None``, then no [COORDINATES] will be written out to INP files (to save space, since the simulator does not use that section). This can be overwritten in the `write_inpfile` commands. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dimensions: list = None, units: str = None, offset: list = None, image_filename: str = None, map_filename: str = None): self.dimensions = dimensions self.units = units self.offset = offset self.image_filename = image_filename self.map_filename = map_filename
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'units': value = str(value).upper() if value not in ['FEET','METERS','DEGREES','NONE']: raise ValueError('Backdrop units must be one of FEET, METERS, DEGREES, or NONE') elif name not in ['dimensions', 'units', 'offset', 'image_filename', 'map_filename']: raise AttributeError('%s is not a valid attribute of GraphicsOptions'%name) self.__dict__[name] = value
[docs] class HydraulicOptions(_OptionsBase): """ Options related to hydraulic model. These options are named according to the settings in the EPANET "[OPTIONS]" section. Unless specified, these options are valid for both EPANET 2.0 and 2.2. Parameters ---------- headloss : str Formula to use for computing head loss through a pipe. Options are "H-W", "D-W", and "C-M", by default "H-W". hydraulics : str Indicates if a hydraulics file should be read in or saved; options are ``None``, "USE" and "SAVE", by default ``None``. hydraulics_filename : str Filename to use if ``hydraulics is not None``, by default ``None``. viscosity : float Kinematic viscosity of the fluid, by default 1.0. specific_gravity : float Specific gravity of the fluid, by default 1.0. pattern : str Name of the default pattern for junction demands. By default, the default pattern is the pattern named "1". If this is set to None (or if pattern "1" does not exist), then junctions with demands but without patterns will be held constant. demand_multiplier : float The demand multiplier adjusts the values of baseline demands for all junctions, by default 1.0. emitter_exponent : float The exponent used when computing flow from an emitter, by default 0.5. minimum_pressure : float (EPANET 2.2 only) The global minimum nodal pressure, by default 0.0. required_pressure: float (EPANET 2.2 only) The required nodal pressure, by default 0.07 (m H2O) pressure_exponent: float (EPANET 2.2 only) The pressure exponent, by default 0.5. trials : int Maximum number of trials used to solve network hydraulics, by default 200. accuracy : float Convergence criteria for hydraulic solutions, by default 0.001. headerror : float (EPANET 2.2 only) Augments the `accuracy` option by adjusting the head error convergence limit, by default 0 (off). flowchange : float (EPANET 2.2 only) Augments the `accuracy` option by adjusting the flow change convergence limit, by default 0 (off). unbalanced : str Indicate what happens if a hydraulic solution cannot be reached. Options are "STOP" and "CONTINUE", by default "STOP". unbalanced_value : int Number of additional trials if ``unbalanced == "CONTINUE"``, by default ``None``. checkfreq : int Number of solution trials that pass between status checks, by default 2. maxcheck : int Number of solution trials that pass between status check, by default 10. damplimit : float Accuracy value at which solution damping begins, by default 0 (no damping). demand_model : str Demand model for EPANET 2.2; acceptable values are "DD" and "PDD", by default "DD". EPANET 2.0 only contains demand driven analysis, and will issue a warning if this option is not set to DD. inpfile_units : str Units for the INP file; options are "CFS", "GPM", "MGD", "IMGD", "AFD", "LPS", "LPM", "MLD", "CMH", and "CMD". This **only** changes the units used in generating the INP file -- it has **no impact** on the units used in WNTR, which are **always** SI units (m, kg, s). inpfile_pressure_units: str Pressure units for the INP file, by default None (uses pressure units from inpfile_units) """
[docs] def __init__(self, headloss: str = 'H-W', hydraulics: str = None, hydraulics_filename: str = None, viscosity: float = 1.0, specific_gravity: float = 1.0, pattern: str = '1', demand_multiplier: float = 1.0, demand_model: str = 'DD', minimum_pressure: float = 0.0, required_pressure: float = 0.07, # EPANET 2.2 default pressure_exponent: float = 0.5, emitter_exponent: float = 0.5, trials: int = 200, # EPANET 2.2 increased the default from 40 to 200 accuracy: float = 0.001, unbalanced: str = 'STOP', unbalanced_value: int = None, checkfreq: int = 2, maxcheck: int = 10, damplimit: int = 0, headerror: float = 0, flowchange: float = 0, inpfile_units: str = 'GPM', inpfile_pressure_units: str = None): self.headloss = headloss self.hydraulics = hydraulics self.hydraulics_filename = hydraulics_filename self.viscosity = viscosity self.specific_gravity = specific_gravity self.pattern = pattern self.demand_multiplier = demand_multiplier self.demand_model = demand_model self.minimum_pressure = minimum_pressure self.required_pressure = required_pressure self.pressure_exponent = pressure_exponent self.emitter_exponent = emitter_exponent self.trials = trials self.accuracy = accuracy self.unbalanced = unbalanced self.unbalanced_value = unbalanced_value self.checkfreq = checkfreq self.maxcheck = maxcheck self.damplimit = damplimit self.headerror = headerror self.flowchange = flowchange self.inpfile_units = inpfile_units self.inpfile_pressure_units = inpfile_pressure_units
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'headloss': value = str.upper(value) if value not in ['H-W', 'D-W', 'C-M']: raise ValueError('headloss must be one of "H-W", "D-W", or "C-M"') # If headloss is changed from ['H-W', 'C-M'] to/from 'D-W', print # a warning, the units of the roughness coefficient cannot be # converted from unitless to length (0.001 ft or mm) try: orig_value = self.__dict__[name] except: orig_value = None if orig_value is not None: if (orig_value in ['H-W', 'C-M'] and value == 'D-W') or \ (value in ['H-W', 'C-M'] and orig_value == 'D-W'): warnings.warn('Changing the headloss formula from ' + orig_value + ' to ' + value + ' will not change the units of the roughness coefficient.') elif name == 'hydraulics': if value is not None: value = str.upper(value) if value not in ['USE', 'SAVE']: raise ValueError('hydraulics must be None (off) or one of "USE" or "SAVE"') elif name == 'demand_model': if value is not None: value = str.upper(value) if value not in ['DDA', 'DD', 'PDD', 'PDA']: raise ValueError('demand_model must be None (off) or one of "DD", "DDA", "PDD", or "PDA"') if value == 'DD': value = 'DDA' if value == 'PDD': value = 'PDA' elif name == 'unbalanced': value = str.upper(value) if value not in ['STOP', 'CONTINUE']: raise ValueError('headloss must be either "STOP" or "CONTINUE"') elif name == 'inpfile_units' and isinstance(value, str): value = str.upper(value) if value not in ['CFS', 'GPM', 'MGD', 'IMGD', 'AFD', 'LPS', 'LPM', 'MLD', 'CMH', 'CMD']: raise ValueError('inpfile_units = "%s" is not a valid EPANET unit code', value) elif name == 'inpfile_pressure_units' and isinstance(value, str): value = str.upper(value) elif name == 'unbalanced_value': try: value = _int_or_None(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('%s must be an int or None', name) elif name in ['trials', 'checkfreq', 'maxcheck']: try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('%s must be an integer', name) elif name not in ['pattern', 'hydraulics_filename', 'inpfile_units', 'inpfile_pressure_units']: try: value = float(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('%s must be a number', name) if name not in ['headloss', 'hydraulics', 'hydraulics_filename', 'viscosity', 'specific_gravity', 'pattern', 'demand_multiplier', 'demand_model', 'minimum_pressure', 'required_pressure', 'pressure_exponent', 'emitter_exponent', 'trials', 'accuracy', 'unbalanced', 'unbalanced_value', 'checkfreq', 'maxcheck', 'damplimit', 'headerror', 'flowchange', 'inpfile_units', 'inpfile_pressure_units']: raise AttributeError('%s is not a valid attribute of HydraulicOptions'%name) self.__dict__[name] = value
[docs] class ReactionOptions(_OptionsBase): """ Options related to water quality reactions. From the EPANET "[REACTIONS]" options. Parameters ---------- bulk_order : float Order of reaction occurring in the bulk fluid, by default 1.0. wall_order : float Order of reaction occurring at the pipe wall; must be either 0 or 1, by default 1.0. tank_order : float Order of reaction occurring in the tanks, by default 1.0. bulk_coeff : float Global reaction coefficient for bulk fluid and tanks, by default 0.0. wall_coeff : float Global reaction coefficient for pipe walls, by default 0.0. limiting_potential : float Specifies that reaction rates are proportional to the difference between the current concentration and some limiting potential value, by default ``None`` (off). roughness_correl : float Makes all default pipe wall reaction coefficients related to pipe roughness, according to functions as defined in EPANET, by default ``None`` (off). .. note:: Remember to use positive numbers for growth reaction coefficients and negative numbers for decay coefficients. The time units for all reaction coefficients are in "per-second" and converted to/from EPANET units during I/O. """
[docs] def __init__(self, bulk_order: float = 1.0, wall_order: float = 1.0, tank_order: float = 1.0, bulk_coeff: float = 0.0, wall_coeff: float = 0.0, limiting_potential: float = None, roughness_correl: float = None): self.bulk_order = bulk_order self.wall_order = wall_order self.tank_order = tank_order self.bulk_coeff = bulk_coeff self.wall_coeff = wall_coeff self.limiting_potential = limiting_potential self.roughness_correl = roughness_correl
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name not in ['limiting_potential', 'roughness_correl']: try: value = float(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('%s must be a number', name) else: try: value = _float_or_None(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('%s must be a number or None', name) if name not in ['bulk_order', 'wall_order', 'tank_order', 'bulk_coeff', 'wall_coeff', 'limiting_potential', 'roughness_correl']: raise AttributeError('%s is not a valid attribute of ReactionOptions'%name) self.__dict__[name] = value
[docs] class QualityOptions(_OptionsBase): """ Options related to water quality modeling. These options come from the "[OPTIONS]" section of an EPANET INP file. Parameters ---------- parameter : str Type of water quality analysis. Options are "NONE", "CHEMICAL", "AGE", and "TRACE", by default ``None``. trace_node : str Trace node name if ``quality == "TRACE"``, by default ``None``. chemical : str Chemical name for "CHEMICAL" analysis, by default "CHEMICAL" if appropriate. diffusivity : float Molecular diffusivity of the chemical, by default 1.0. tolerance : float Water quality solver tolerance, by default 0.01. inpfile_units : str Units for quality analysis if the parameter is set to CHEMICAL. This is **only** relevant for the INP file. This value **must** be either "mg/L" (default) or "ug/L" (miligrams or micrograms per liter). Internal WNTR units are always SI units (kg/m3). """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter: str = 'NONE', trace_node: str = None, chemical_name: str = 'CHEMICAL', diffusivity: float = 1.0, tolerance: float = 0.01, inpfile_units: str = 'mg/L'): self.parameter = parameter self.trace_node = trace_node self.chemical_name = chemical_name self.diffusivity = diffusivity self.tolerance = tolerance self.inpfile_units = inpfile_units
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in ['diffusivity', 'tolerance']: try: value = float(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('%s must be a number or None', name) if name not in ['parameter', 'trace_node', 'chemical_name', 'diffusivity', 'tolerance', 'inpfile_units']: raise AttributeError('%s is not a valid attribute of QualityOptions'%name) self.__dict__[name] = value
[docs] class EnergyOptions(_OptionsBase): """ Options related to energy calculations. From the EPANET "[ENERGY]" settings. Parameters ---------- global_price : float Global average cost per Joule, by default 0. global_pattern : str ID label of time pattern describing how energy price varies with time, by default ``None``. global_efficiency : float Global pump efficiency as percent; i.e., 75.0 means 75%, by default ``None``. demand_charge : float Added cost per maximum kW usage during the simulation period, by default ``None``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, global_price: float=0, global_pattern: str=None, global_efficiency: float=None, demand_charge: float=None): self.global_price = global_price self.global_pattern = global_pattern self.global_efficiency = global_efficiency self.demand_charge = demand_charge
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name not in ['global_price', 'global_pattern', 'global_efficiency', 'demand_charge']: raise AttributeError('%s is not a valid attribute of EnergyOptions'%name) self.__dict__[name] = value
[docs] class ReportOptions(_OptionsBase): """ Options related to EPANET report outputs. The values in this options class *do not* affect the behavior of the WNTRSimulator. These only affect what is written to an EPANET INP file and the results that are in the EPANET-created report file. Parameters ---------- report_filename : str Provides the filename to use for outputting an EPANET report file, by default this will be the prefix plus ".rpt". status : str Output solver status ("YES", "NO", "FULL"). "FULL" is only useful for debugging summary : str Output summary information ("YES" or "NO") energy : str Output energy information nodes : None, "ALL", or list Output node information in report file. If a list of node names is provided, EPANET only provides report information for those nodes. links : None, "ALL", or list Output link information in report file. If a list of link names is provided, EPANET only provides report information for those links. pagesize : str Page size for EPANET report output """
[docs] def __init__(self, pagesize: list=None, report_filename: str=None, status: str='NO', summary: str='YES', energy: str='NO', nodes: bool=False, links: bool=False, report_params: dict=None, param_opts: dict=None): self.pagesize = pagesize self.report_filename = report_filename self.status = status self.summary = summary = energy self.nodes = nodes self.links = links self.report_params = report_params if report_params is not None else _new_report_params() self.param_opts = param_opts if param_opts is not None else _new_param_opts()
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name not in ['pagesize', 'report_filename', 'status', 'summary', 'energy', 'nodes', 'links', 'report_params', 'param_opts']: raise AttributeError('%s is not a valid attribute of ReportOptions'%name) self.__dict__[name] = value
[docs] class UserOptions(_OptionsBase): """ Options defined by the user. Provides an empty class that accepts getattribute and setattribute methods to create user-defined options. For example, if using WNTR for uncertainty quantification, certain options could be added here that would never be used directly by WNTR, but which would be saved on pickling and could be used by the user-built analysis scripts. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.__dict__[k] = v
[docs] class Options(_OptionsBase): """ Water network model options class. These options mimic options in EPANET. The `user` attribute is a generic python class object that allows for dynamically created attributes that are user specific. Parameters ---------- time : TimeOptions Contains all timing options for the scenarios hydraulic : HydraulicOptions Contains hydraulic solver parameters reaction : ReactionOptions Contains chemical reaction parameters quality : QualityOptions Contains water quality simulation options and source definitions energy : EnergyOptions Contains parameters for energy calculations report : ReportOptions Contains options for how for format and save report graphics : GraphicsOptions Contains EPANET graphics and background options and also the filename for external node coordinates, if used user : dict An empty dictionary that allows for user specified options """
[docs] def __init__(self, time: TimeOptions = None, hydraulic: HydraulicOptions = None, report: ReportOptions = None, quality: QualityOptions = None, reaction: ReactionOptions = None, energy: EnergyOptions = None, graphics: GraphicsOptions = None, user: UserOptions = None): self.time = TimeOptions.factory(time) self.hydraulic = HydraulicOptions.factory(hydraulic) = ReportOptions.factory(report) self.quality = QualityOptions.factory(quality) self.reaction = ReactionOptions.factory(reaction) = EnergyOptions.factory(energy) = GraphicsOptions.factory(graphics) self.user = UserOptions.factory(user)
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'time': if not isinstance(value, (TimeOptions, dict, tuple, list)): raise ValueError('time must be a TimeOptions or convertable object') value = TimeOptions.factory(value) elif name == 'hydraulic': if not isinstance(value, (HydraulicOptions, dict, tuple, list)): raise ValueError('hydraulic must be a HydraulicOptions or convertable object') value = HydraulicOptions.factory(value) elif name == 'report': if not isinstance(value, (ReportOptions, dict, tuple, list)): raise ValueError('report must be a ReportOptions or convertable object') value = ReportOptions.factory(value) elif name == 'quality': if not isinstance(value, (QualityOptions, dict, tuple, list)): raise ValueError('quality must be a QualityOptions or convertable object') value = QualityOptions.factory(value) elif name == 'reaction': if not isinstance(value, (ReactionOptions, dict, tuple, list)): raise ValueError('reaction must be a ReactionOptions or convertable object') value = ReactionOptions.factory(value) elif name == 'energy': if not isinstance(value, (EnergyOptions, dict, tuple, list)): raise ValueError('energy must be a EnergyOptions or convertable object') value = EnergyOptions.factory(value) elif name == 'graphics': if not isinstance(value, (GraphicsOptions, dict, tuple, list)): raise ValueError('graphics must be a GraphicsOptions or convertable object') value = GraphicsOptions.factory(value) elif name == 'user': value = UserOptions.factory(value) else: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid member of WaterNetworkModel') self.__dict__[name] = value
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Dictionary representation of the options""" return dict(self)