module wntr.network.options
- class QualityOptions[source]#
Options related to water quality modeling. These options come from the “[OPTIONS]” section of an EPANET INP file.
- Parameters:
parameter (str) – Type of water quality analysis. Options are “NONE”, “CHEMICAL”, “AGE”, and “TRACE”, by default
.trace_node (str) – Trace node name if
quality == "TRACE"
, by defaultNone
.chemical (str) – Chemical name for “CHEMICAL” analysis, by default “CHEMICAL” if appropriate.
diffusivity (float) – Molecular diffusivity of the chemical, by default 1.0.
tolerance (float) – Water quality solver tolerance, by default 0.01.
inpfile_units (str) – Units for quality analysis if the parameter is set to CHEMICAL. This is only relevant for the INP file. This value must be either “mg/L” (default) or “ug/L” (miligrams or micrograms per liter). Internal WNTR units are always SI units (kg/m3).
- classmethod factory(val)#
Create an options object based on passing in an instance of the object, a dict, or a tuple