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Function checks data submitted under the column "QAPPApprovedIndicator". Some organizations submit data for this field to indicate if the data produced has an approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) or not. Y indicates yes, N indicates no. This function has three default inputs: clean = TRUE, cleanNA = FALSE, and flaggedonly == FALSE. The default flags rows of data where the QAPPApprovedIndicator equals "N". Users could remove NA's in addition to N's using the inputs clean = TRUE, cleanNA = TRUE, and flaggedonly = FALSE. If flaggedonly = TRUE, the function will filter out all rows where the QAPPApprovedIndicator is 'Y'. If clean = FALSE, cleanNA = FALSE, and flaggedonly = FALSE, the function will not make any changes to the data.


  clean = FALSE,
  cleanNA = FALSE,
  flaggedonly = FALSE



TADA dataframe


Boolean argument with two possible values called "TRUE" and "FALSE". When clean=TRUE, rows of data where the QAPPApprovedIndicator equals "N" will be removed. When, clean=FALSE, rows of data where the QAPPApprovedIndicator equals "N" will be retained.


Boolean argument with two possible values called "TRUE" and "FALSE". When cleanNA=TRUE, rows of data where the QAPPApprovedIndicator equals "NA" will be removed. When, cleanNA=FALSE, rows of data where the the QAPPApprovedIndicator equals "NA" will be retained.


Boolean argument; when flaggedonly = TRUE, the dataframe will be filtered to remove any rows where the QAPPApprovedIndicator equals "Y".


Several combinations of inputs are possible: When clean = TRUE, cleanNA = FALSE, and flaggedonly = FALSE, the dataframe will be filtered to show only rows where QAPPAprrovedIndicator is "Y" or "NA"; When clean = TRUE, cleanNA = TRUE, and flaggedonly = FALSE, the dataframe will be filtered to show only rows where QAPPApprovedIndicator is "Y"; When clean = FALSE, cleanNA = TRUE, and flaggedonly = FALSE, the dataframe will be filtered to show only rows where QAPPApprovedIndicator is "Y" or "N"; When clean = FALSE, cleanNA = FALSE, and flaggedonly = FALSE, no rows are removed from the dataframe; When clean = TRUE, cleanNA = TRUE, and flaggedonly = TRUE, the function will not execute and an error message will be returned; When clean = TRUE, cleanNA = FALSE, and flaggedonly = TRUE, the dataframe will be filtered to show only rows where QAPPApprovedIndicator is "NA"; When clean = FALSE, cleanNA = TRUE, and flaggedonly = TRUE, the dataframe will be filtered to show only rows where QAPPApprovedIndicator is "N"; When clean = FALSE, cleanNA = FALSE, and flaggedonly = TRUE, the dataframe will be filtered to show only rows where QAPPApprovedIndicator is "N" or "NA"


Note: This is not a required field, so it is often left blank (NA) even if the data has an associated QAPP. All states and tribes that collect monitoring data using 106 funding (almost all state and tribal data in WQX) are required to have an EPA approved QAPP to receive 106 funding. Therefore, most of these organizations data has an approved QAPP even if the data submitted to WQP is NA.


# Load example dataset:

# Show data where the QAPPApprovedIndicator equals "Y" or "NA":
QAPPapproved_clean <- TADA_FindQAPPApproval(Data_Nutrients_UT)
#> [1] "Data is flagged but not removed because clean and cleanNA were FALSE"

# Show only data where the QAPPApprovedIndicator equals "Y":
QAPPapproved_cleanNAs <- TADA_FindQAPPApproval(Data_Nutrients_UT, cleanNA = TRUE)

# Show data where the QAPPApprovedIndicator equals "N" or "NA":
QAPPIndicator_N_NA <- TADA_FindQAPPApproval(Data_Nutrients_UT,
  clean = FALSE,
  cleanNA = FALSE, flaggedonly = TRUE

# Show data where the QAPPApprovedIndicator equals "N":
QAPPIndicator_N <- TADA_FindQAPPApproval(Data_Nutrients_UT,
  clean = FALSE,
  cleanNA = TRUE, flaggedonly = TRUE

# Note: When clean = FALSE, cleanNA = FALSE, and flaggedonly = FALSE, no data is removed
# Note: When clean = TRUE, cleanNA = TRUE, and flaggedonly = TRUE, an error message is returned