Check Result Value Against WQX Upper Threshold
EPA's Water Quality Exchange (WQX) has generated maximum and minimum thresholds for each parameter and unit combination from millions of water quality data points around the country. This function leverages the WQX QAQC Validation Table to flag any data that is above the upper threshold of result values submitted to WQX for a given characteristic.
- .data
TADA dataframe
- clean
Boolean argument; removes data that is above the upper WQX threshold from the dataframe when clean = TRUE. Default is clean = FALSE.
- flaggedonly
Boolean argument; filters dataframe to show only the data flagged as above the upper WQX threshold. Default is flaggedonly = FALSE.
The input TADA dataset with the added "TADA.ResultValueAboveUpperThreshold.Flag" column which is populated with the values: "Pass", "Suspect", "Not Reviewed", or "NA - Not Available". Defaults are clean = FALSE and flaggedonly = FALSE. When clean = FALSE and flaggedonly = TRUE, the dataframe is filtered to show only data found above the WQX threshold. When clean = TRUE and flaggedonly = FALSE, rows with values that are above the upper WQX threshold are removed from the dataframe. When clean = TRUE and and flaggedonly = TRUE, the function is not executed and an error message is returned.
When clean = FALSE and flaggedonly = FALSE, a column which flags data above the upper WQX threshold is appended to the dataframe. When clean = FALSE and flaggedonly = TRUE, the dataframe is filtered to show only data found above the WQX threshold. When clean = TRUE and flaggedonly = FALSE, rows with values that are above the upper WQX threshold are removed from the dataframe and no column is appended. When clean = TRUE and and flaggedonly = TRUE, the function is not executed and an error message is returned. Defaults are clean = FALSE and flaggedonly = FALSE.
This function will add the column "TADA.ResultValueAboveUpperThreshold.Flag" which will be populated with the values: "Pass", "Suspect", "Not Reviewed", or "NA - Not Available". The “Not Reviewed” value means that the EPA WQX team has not yet reviewed the range yet for the characteristic and unit combination combination in that row (see The WQX team plans to review and update these new combinations quarterly. The "NA - Not Available" flag means that the characteristic, media, and/or unit combination for that row is not fully populated (is NA or does not match the WQX data standard) or the result value is NA.
If this function is run more than once on the same dataframe, the flag column will be deleted and regenerated.
# Load example dataset:
# Remove data that is above the upper WQX threshold from dataframe:
WQXUpperThreshold_clean <- TADA_FlagAboveThreshold(Data_NCTCShepherdstown_HUC12, clean = TRUE)
# Flag, but do not remove, data that is above the upper WQX threshold in
# new column titled "TADA.ResultValueAboveUpperThreshold.Flag":
WQXUpperThreshold_flags <- TADA_FlagAboveThreshold(Data_NCTCShepherdstown_HUC12, clean = FALSE)
# Show only data flagged as above the upper WQX threshold:
WQXUpperThreshold_flagsonly <- TADA_FlagAboveThreshold(Data_NCTCShepherdstown_HUC12, clean = FALSE, flaggedonly = TRUE)