Getting started#

To start using WNTR, open a Python console or IDE like Spyder and import the package:

import wntr

WNTR comes with a simple getting started example, shown below, that uses the EPANET Example Network 3 (Net3) INP file.

This example demonstrates how to:

  • Import WNTR

  • Generate a water network model

  • Simulate hydraulics

  • Plot simulation results

The following example demonstrates how to import WNTR, create a water 
network model from an EPANET INP file, simulate hydraulics, and plot 
simulation results on the network.
# Import WNTR
import wntr

# Create a water network model
inp_file = 'networks/Net3.inp'
wn =

# Simulate hydraulics
sim = wntr.sim.EpanetSimulator(wn)
results = sim.run_sim()

# Plot results on the network
pressure_at_5hr = results.node['pressure'].loc[5*3600, :], node_attribute=pressure_at_5hr, 
                           node_size=30, title='Pressure at 5 hours')

Additional examples of Python code snippets are included throughout the WNTR documentation. The examples provided in the documentation assume that a user has experience using EPANET ( and Python (, including the ability to install and use additional Python packages, such as those listed in Requirements and Optional dependencies.

See Examples for more information on downloading and running examples.