
module wntr.msx.base

class ReactionSystemBase[source]#

Bases: ABC

Abstract class for reaction systems, which contains variables and reaction expressions.

This class contains the functions necessary to perform dictionary-style addressing of variables by their name. It does not allow dictionary-style addressing of reactions.

This is an abstract class with some concrete attributes and methods. Parameters and methods documented here must be defined by a subclass except for the following:

Concrete attributes

The __init__() method defines the following attributes concretely. Thus, a subclass should call super().__init__() or super().__init__(filename).


Variables registry, which is mapped to dictionary functions on the reaction system object


Reactions dictionary

Concrete methods

The following special methods are concretely provided to directly access items in the _vars attribute.



Return self==value.


Return self!=value.





Constructor for the reaction system.

Make sure you call this method from your concrete subclass __init__ method:

abstractmethod add_reaction(obj)[source]#

Add a reaction to the system

abstractmethod add_variable(obj)[source]#

Add a variable to the system

abstractmethod reactions()[source]#

Generator looping through all reactions

abstractmethod to_dict()[source]#

Represent the reaction system as a dictionary

abstractmethod variables()[source]#

Generator looping through all variables