
module wntr.scenario.earthquake

class Earthquake[source]#

Bases: object

Earthquake scenario class.

DTGR(M, M_min, M_max, b)[source]#

Returns the the Doubly Truncated Gutenberg Richter cumulative probability for the specified magnitude, magnitude range, and coefficient.

DTGR_inv(P, M_min, M_max, b)[source]#

Returns the inverse of the Doubly Truncated Gutenberg Richter distribution for the specified probability, magnitude range, and coefficient.

__init__(epicenter, magnitude, depth)[source]#
correction_factor(pipe_characteristics, diameter_weight=None, material_weight=None, topography_weight=None, liquifaction_weight=None)[source]#

Correction factor, maps pipe characteristics to weights

  • pipe_characteristics (pandas.DataFrame) – Pipe characteristics which includes diameter, material, topography, and liquifaction

  • diameter_weight (dict) – Weights, defaults based on Isoyama et al., 2000

  • material_weight (dict) – Weights, defaults based on Isoyama et al., 2000

  • topography_weight (dict) – Weights, defaults based on Isoyama et al., 2000

  • liquifaction_weight (dict) – Weights, defaults based on Isoyama et al., 2000

Return type:

A pandas.Series with the correction factor

distance_to_epicenter(wn, element_type=<class ''>)[source]#

Distance to the epicenter

Return type:

A pandas Series with distance to epicenter (m)

pga_attenuation_model(R, method=None)[source]#

Peak ground acceleration attenuation models

  • R (pandas.Series) – Distance to epicenter (m)

  • method (int (optional, default = None, average)) – 1 = Kawashima et al. (1984) 2 = Baag et al. (1998) 3 = Lee and Cho (2002)

Return type:

A pandas.Series with peak ground acceleration (g)

pgv_attenuation_model(R, method=None)[source]#

Peak ground velocity attenuation models

  • R (pandas.Series) – Distance to epicenter (m)

  • method (int (optional, default = None, average)) – 1 = Yu and Jin (2008) - Rock 2 = Yu and Jin (2008) - Soil

Return type:

A pandas.Series with peak ground velocity (m/s)

repair_rate_model(PGV, C=1, method=1)[source]#

Calculate repair rate

Return type:

A pandas.Series with repair rate (number of repairs per m)


Earthquake depth, m


Earthquake epicenter, (x,y) tuple in meters


Earthquake magnitude, Richter scale