
module wntr.msx.base

class ReactionType[source]#

Bases: Enum

Reaction type which specifies the location where the reaction occurs

The following types are defined, and aliases of just the first character are also defined.

Enum Members


Expression describes a reaction in pipes


Expression describes a reaction in tanks

Class Methods


Get the proper enum based on the name or value of the argument.

classmethod get(value, *, prefix='', abbrev=True, allow_none=True)#

Get the proper enum based on the name or value of the argument.

See add_get() for details on how this function works.

  • value (Union[str, int, Enum]) – the value to be checked, if it is an Enum, then the name will be used

  • prefix (str, optional) – a prefix to strip from the beginning of value, default blank or set by decorator

  • abbrev (bool, optional) – whether to try a single-letter version of value, default False or set by decorator

  • allow_none (bool, optional) – passing None will return None, otherwise will raise TypeError, default True or set by decorator


the enum member that corresponds to the name or value passed in

Return type:


P = 1#
PIPE = 1#

Expression describes a reaction in pipes

T = 2#
TANK = 2#

Expression describes a reaction in tanks