
module wntr.msx.options

class MsxReportOptions[source]#

Bases: _OptionsBase

Report options

  • report_filename (str) – Filename for the EPANET-MSX report file, by default this will be the prefix plus “.rpt”.

  • species (dict[str, bool]) – Output species concentrations

  • species_precision (dict[str, float]) – Output species concentrations with the specified precision

  • nodes (None, "ALL", or list) – Output node information. If a list of node names is provided, EPANET-MSX only provides report information for those nodes.

  • links (None, "ALL", or list) – Output link information. If a list of link names is provided, EPANET-MSX only provides report information for those links.

  • pagesize (str) – Page size for EPANET-MSX report output

classmethod factory(val)#

Create an options object based on passing in an instance of the object, a dict, or a tuple

__init__(pagesize=None, report_filename=None, species=None, species_precision=None, nodes=None, links=None)[source]#

List of links to print output for, or ‘ALL’ for all links, by default None


List of nodes to print output for, or ‘ALL’ for all nodes, by default None


Pagesize for the report


Prefix of the report filename (will add .rpt)


Turn individual species outputs on and off, by default no species are output


Output precision for the concentration of a specific species