module wntr.msx.options
- class MsxReportOptions[source]#
Report options
- Parameters:
report_filename (str) – Filename for the EPANET-MSX report file, by default this will be the prefix plus “.rpt”.
species_precision (dict[str, float]) – Output species concentrations with the specified precision
nodes (None, "ALL", or list) – Output node information. If a list of node names is provided, EPANET-MSX only provides report information for those nodes.
links (None, "ALL", or list) – Output link information. If a list of link names is provided, EPANET-MSX only provides report information for those links.
pagesize (str) – Page size for EPANET-MSX report output
- classmethod factory(val)#
Create an options object based on passing in an instance of the object, a dict, or a tuple
- __init__(pagesize=None, report_filename=None, species=None, species_precision=None, nodes=None, links=None)[source]#
- links#
List of links to print output for, or ‘ALL’ for all links, by default None
- nodes#
List of nodes to print output for, or ‘ALL’ for all nodes, by default None
- pagesize#
Pagesize for the report
- report_filename#
Prefix of the report filename (will add .rpt)
- species#
Turn individual species outputs on and off, by default no species are output
- species_precision#
Output precision for the concentration of a specific species